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'Drive me home?' I ask Stiles and he nods, my head was already starting to hurt and the moon was barely even up yet. After Scott left, Stiles and I had cleaned up the mess that was his floor and desk before laying side by side on his bed for about twenty minutes. Then the thoughts started coming. At first, it was just Stiles's, things like 'her hair's in my face' or 'I think I'll wear the red one tonight' and then it was his neighbours and then his neighbour's neighbours. I needed to just make an appearance at the party and then leave and be done with it.

I waited in the jeep for Stiles to change and then we're off to mine. When we get there mom tells me Scott's just left to go pick up Allison in her car and she's about to go to bed. Stiles says he'll wait for me downstairs and I nod before rushing up the stairs so we're not too late.

I rummage through my closet for a dress to wear and decide on a plain black, tight dress that hugs my curves and has diamontes lining the straps and underbust part. I put on some black ankle boots and put my hair in a half ponytail that sits at the back of my head. I add some diamond studs, a necklace and a bracelet and then do my makeup.

I try to block out the thoughts I'm hearing but it's proving to be as difficult as it has the past 17 years. I grab the nearest black purse I have and chuck in my phone and some lipgloss before hurrying down the stairs. 'Thank god it's about time you-' Stiles says but stops when he turns around. 'shit. shit. shit. holy shit.' I hear him think. 'Stiles I thought we talked about this, she's your best friend's sister, you can't go there.' I almost faint then and there. 'You okay?' He asks me out loud.

'Erm, yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay?' I ask back trying not to show my excitement. 'Yeah, I'm okay.' He says back. I'm trying to single out his thoughts but my mom's having the weirdest dream about spiders and the married couple next door are having an argument about his sister staying there for three weeks. 'Let's just go to the party already.' I tell him and he nods.

When we finally get to the party Stiles goes to get us some drinks from the kitchen and I try to look for Lydia outside. When I finally find here she's making out with Jackson against out of the pillars, I'm 100% not surprised. I stand by the pool for a bit, looking at my reflection when suddenly my eyes flash pink. Oh shit. Not here, not now. Sometimes on full moons, when my... powers?... I'm not sure what to call them, are in play my eyes flicker pink.

I look up to see if anyone has noticed or is close enough to see and no one is. Well no one apart from one person... Derek Hale. I quickly turn away from him and walk inside to find Stiles hoping Derek didn't notice. This party is getting too much for me to handle. So many thoughts. Too many thoughts.

I finally find Stiles and I'm just about to tell him I want to go home when Scott comes stumbling towards us, sweating and looking like he's going to pass out. 'Yo, Scott, you good?' Stiles asks him and he doesn't reply, 'Are you okay?' one of the girls asks and still no reply. He walks away from us and I turn to Stiles, 'We've gotta follow him.' I say and Stiles nods and we rush to try to find him through the crowd of drunk teens.

Stiles grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd and outside to his jeep. We get into the car and start driving to my house because we both suppose that's where Scott will go first if he really is changing into a werewolf. I look behind us to out the back window where Allison is standing. I frown and mutter, 'What does he think he's doing.' as I see Derek walk up to her and start talking, seconds later he's taking her to a car. I start to panic 'Stiles..? I think we should go back...' He shakes his head 'Violet, we can't we have to follow Scott.'

'Stiles, it's Allison, she just got in a car with Derek... Derek Hale.' 'Violet, I swear she'll be fine, okay?.' I sigh and lean back in my seat, 'Okay fine, just go follow Scott and we'll check up on Allison later.' he nods in response and looks at me with a slightly confused look on his face, 'Were your eyes just pink?' Stiles asks me.

'Oh, erm, that must just be the reflection of the lights.' Thankfully we arrive at my house before he can say anything else about it. We both rush inside and Stiles knocks on Scott's door, 'Go away.' Scott replies. 'Scott it's us.' I tell him through the door and a few seconds later he opens the door a crack. 'Let me in, Scott. We can help.' Stiles says to him.

'No! Listen, you gotta find Allison.' Scott tells us, 'She's fine, all right? I saw her get a ride from the party. She's... She's totally fine. Alright?' I hear something I can't quite catch in Scott's thoughts, something about Derek and then he says 'No, I think I know who it is.' Stiles tries to push the door open more, 'Just let us in. We can try-' he gets cut off by Scott, 'It's Derek. Derek Hale is the werewolf. He's the one that bit me. He's the one that killed the girl in the woods.' I gasp slightly. 'Scott... Derek's the one who took Allison from the party.'

Suddenly Scott slams his door closed, 'Scott!?' Stiles calls as we bang on the door. A roar from outside sends shivers down my spine and as I look at Stiles I know we're thinking the same thing... Allison.

It takes us under 10 minutes to get to Allison's house since I make Stiles go 70 in a 40 zone but lucky for us there's no one on the roads tonight. When we finally arrive Stiles jumps out of the car with me on his heels and starts ringing the doorbell repetitively while I knock on the door. Finally, her mom opens the door. 'Hi, Mrs Argent. Um... You have no idea who I am.' Stiles starts rambling, 'I'm a friend of your daughter's.' I cut in before he continues. 'Uh, look, this is gonna sound kinda crazy, um, really crazy actually. You know what? Crazy doesn't even describe it.' The woman rolls her eyes at Stiles and calls out, 'Allison! It's for you.'

I breathe a sigh of relief as Allison comes into view and starts walking down the stairs. 'Hey Violet and... Stiles, right...?' She asks and Stiles nods, 'What're you guys doing here?'  I wince slightly as everyone's thoughts start getting louder and more intrusive. 'Uh, well, Scott just you know, um, wanted us to make sure you erm, got home alright.' Stiles tells her and I nod. 'But um, now you're okay we have to be off so yeah, well, see you later.' I wave goodbye as Stiles pulls me back outside to his Jeep.

'We've gotta go looking for Scott.' Stiles says as he starts the car. 'Stiles, I have a really bad headache, can you take me home first? Please?' He puts a hand on my shoulder, 'You okay?' He asks me, concern on his face. 'Yeah, yeah, I'm okay I just need to go to sleep.' Stiles nods and starts driving me home.

When we get to my house Stiles gets out and walks me to the front door. 'Call me if you need anything, anything at all okay?' He hugs me tight, 'Yeah I will Stiles.' He holds my chin between his thumb and pointer finger so that I'm looking into his eyes. 'Promise me Violet.' He says. 'I promise.' I whisper back. He looks down at my lips, almost like he wants to kiss me but all the thoughts start getting louder and louder, I cover my ears to try and stop them but I can't. 'Goodnight Stiles.' I say, straining, before quickly before running inside and up to my room. I get into bed and try to refrain from screaming at all the shouting thoughts in my head before I finally fall asleep and the thoughts can't be heard anymore.

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