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'Hi Violet, Stiles.' I roll my eyes and Stiles replies with 'Hey, yeah.' I just had to see my brother and one of my best friends eat each other's faces off for an entire two seconds (before I realised what was happening and turned around) and it was scary, man.

Stiles and I step out from behind the wall things and Scott starts walking towards us, still in shock. 'I kissed her' he says, mainly to Stiles. 'We saw.' I say, exasperated. 'She kissed me.' 'Mhm, saw that too.' He looks ridiculously giddy and I turn away, getting slightly jealous he gets to have a love life. 'It's pretty good, huh?' Stiles says to Scott and he just smiles and nods like an idiot.

'I-I don't know how, but I controlled it. I pulled it back.' I groan, don't even mention control to me right now. Stiles turns back and frowns at me for a brief second. 'Maybe I can do this. Maybe it's not that bad.' They both have big smiles on their faces now. 'Yeah. We'll talk later then.' Stiles pats Scott on the chest as he says that, but he can see something is up. Scott pulls Stiles back by the sleeve and I stop in my tracks. 'What?' Scott asks us both.

'The medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found.' I say, 'And?' 'Well, I'll keep it simple. Medical examiner determines killer of girl to be animal not human. Derek's human not animal. Derek not killer. Derek let out of jail.' Stiles finishes off for me. 'Are you kidding??' Scott asks, looking between us in shock. 'No, and here's a bigger kick in the ass. My dad ID'd the dead girl, both halves. Her name was Laura Hale.' Stiles continues, 'Hale?!' Scott is severely confused right now and I nod to confirm it, 'Derek's sister.'


A/n: the italics are for when Violet is having a dream
There's a fire burning all around me, a house burning down. The smell of smoke has filled up my nose and my throat, sneaking into my lungs. I can hear the screams of people, calling names, calling.. I'm not sure. I move closer to the fire to hear what they're calling when I hear it. A wolf howl. Now I can see a boy, possibly around my age, standing in the ashes of the house and the smoke trapped in the air. I can hear what they're saying now, what they scream in agony. "Talia", "Cora", "Peter" ..."Derek".


'So you killed her?' I ask, walking through the doors of school with Scott in front of me and Stiles behind. 'I don't know.' It's been like a day and a half since the lacrosse game and Scott is telling Stiles and I about a dream he had last night. 'I just woke up. And I was sweating like crazy. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before.'

'Really? I have, usually ends a little differently.' And with that I'm done. I do not want to hear about Stiles's dreams, THOSE dreams especially. I push past them and make my way to my locker, not hearing what else they're saying. I had a bad dream last night too. Not bad like scary bad but it was creepy. It just wasn't a fun dream. How could I tell them that though, something was obviously wrong and I'm 99% sure it's got something to do with the mind reading of Derek Hale. I stand there, staring at the outside of my locker, for a solid six minutes thinking about it before Lydia comes up behind me and snaps me out of my trance.

'Why are you so pale? Did you put any form of makeup on today?' She frowns at me and I sigh, 'Yes Lydia, I did exactly what you told me to do, blush, eyeshadow, eyebrows, lipstick, lipgloss and mascara.' Lydia nods her head, satisfied. 'Good. Now, did you see the bus?' I shake my head, 'Bus? What do you mean bus?' She pulls me to a window looking outside and I stare, frozen in shock, at what I'm looking at. It looks exactly like what Scott described he did to the bus in his dream, down to the last detail. Blood and all.

'We have to find Allison. Or Scott. Both, we have to find both.' Lydia frowns, 'Why do we have to find Allison? She's walking to us anyway.' I snap my head around, hard, and sigh with relief. 'Allison!!' She waves to Lydia and I, 'Hey guys!' Lydia links arms with us both and pulls us away to our next classes.


Lydia grabs my arm as I begin walking to our usual table in the cafeteria, 'Wrong way.' I raise an eyebrow but follow her anyway. To my surprise, she walks to where Scott and Stiles are sitting. 'Figure what out?' She asks them as she puts her tray down on the table. They both look shocked and struggle to talk. 'Just, uh, homework.' Scott tells us and Stiles nods, 'Yeah.' then he whispers, 'Why are they sitting with us?' to Scott and he just shrugs. Two more people sit down and then more and more until the whole table's filled. 'Get up.' Jackson says to the guy sitting at the head of the table. 'Why don't you ask Danny to get up??' He asks, 'Because I don't stare at his girlfriends coin slot.' Danny shoots back and the guy reluctantly moves. 'So I hear they're saying it's some type of animal attack. Probably a cougar.' Jackson butts in, 'I heard mountain lion.' Lydia rolls her eyes to me, 'A cougar is a mountain lion.. isn't it?' Jackson frowns at her, 'Who cares. The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway.' Stiles replies with 'Actually I just found out who it is. Check it out.' He shows up a news video talking about the man who got attacked, he was a bus driver Scott and I knew from when we lived with our dad and caught the bus.

'Can we talk about something more fun please. Like, oh, where are we going tomorrow night?' Scott and Allison both look over at her, 'You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?' I sigh and poke around with my food, nor bothering to listen until I hear Scott say 'In fact. I'm a great bowler.' To Jackson, and when I hear this I need to resist the urge to spit out my water everywhere and burst out laughing, if there's anything my brother is, it's not a good bowler.

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