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Scott's out with Derek, Stiles is with his dad, my moms at work and Lydia's with Jackson so I'm home alone vibing to Taylor Swift in my bathrobe. I'm sitting at the kitchen table waiting for my nails to dry and my pop tarts to toast when I get a call from Stiles.

'What?' I answer and he starts talking so fast I can't understand a single thing he's saying. I hear "Jackson", "attacked" and "alpha" and that's when I know I need to stop him. 'Okay okay, slow down and start from the beginning.' He takes a breath and continues to ramble but slower this time, thank god.

He explains how Jackson and Lydia were getting a dvd from the store when the man was attacked. He says that at least Jackson must have seen something, Lydia was just in the car. 'Crap.' I swear 'Thanks for the info, I'll talk to you tomorrow Mie.' I hear him start to complain about the nickname but I hang up, having had this conversation about 80 too many times.

I ring Scott, Jackson, Lydia, none of them pick up. I sigh and put my head in my hands, I can never relax with these people as friends. My pop tarts pop in the toaster and I go to take them out, burning the side of my palm on the toaster in the process. 'Shit shit shit!' I exclaim, flicking my hand around. I inspect the burn and it's already started to turn red the start of a blister is forming.

I stare at it, trying to keep the urge to touch it at bay. I give in and put my finger on it, focusing on the throbbing pain under my thumb pad. I press down on it and soon the pain resides significantly. I lift my finger off the spot and stare at it. There's nothing there.

No burn, no mark, nothing. My eyes are stuck on the spot where it was. I break out of this trance and glance over to where my mirror is sitting on the table and sure enough, my eyes are still glowing a pink hue.

I pull open the draw closest to me and grab out a knife. I take a deep breathe and hold the edge to my finger tip. I try to keep a steadying breathing pace as I make a small cut, wincing slightly. I close my eyes and hold my finger with the thumb and index from the other hand and focus on the cut.

The pain, the blood, the skin. I clear my mind of everything but the injury on my finger. I open my eyes, staring into my pink-eyed reflection as I lift my fingers. Wet blood coats my thumb and my middle finger but the open wound is nowhere to be seen.

I slump in my chair, how have I never noticed this? I think back to all the times I've gotten hurt, I realise that I can't think of any. Sure, I bump into things and knock over items constantly, I'm as prone to those things and Stiles is but I can barely recall a time where I've actually got a visible injury from those things.

My health as well, I never get sick, my immunity is up the wall. I've never needed a puffer like my brother, my blood pressure has always been fine, I don't get sore throats or blocked noses, nothing.

My brain hurt from thinking about all of these things, I was supposed to be having a relaxing night in with Taylor and my pop tarts but now that's ruined. I finish my pop tarts and pack everything up so I can just go to sleep, even if it seems that now, not even sleep can be my escape.


'Finally! Have you been getting any of my texts?' Stiles asks my brother through the phone. 'Do you have any idea what's going on?' I call out to the speaker. 'Lydia is totally M.I.A., Jackson looks like he's got a time bomb inserted into his face,' I quietly laugh at that, 'another random guy's dead and you have to do something about it.'

'Like what?' I faintly hear him ask, 'Something.' I answer. Scott says something and hangs up on us. I roll my eyes, 'He's probably with Allison, it's her birthday and he totally convinced her to skip.' Stiles groans. 'Why don't we go find Lydia? I know where she lives, I'll be the navigator.' Stiles nods, 'Good idea, we should definitely go do that.'

'Easy there tiger, don't be so excited about seeing her yeah?' An unreadable look washes over him and he shrugs off my comment. Odd.


'Honey, Poppy and a Stiles is here to see you.' Natalie Martin says to my drunk looking best friend. 'What the hell, is a "Stiles"?' She asks and have to I cover my laugh with a cough. Natalie turns to us, 'She took a little something to ease her nerves.' She explains to Stiles and I, 'You can, you can go in.' 'Thank you!' I tell her with a smile and Stiles nods. I go and sit down on Lydia's bed, she's wearing her favourite blue and white laced baby doll, just laying there.

'What are you doing here?' She asks us. 'We we're just making sure you're okay.' Stiles replies hesitantly. 'Hm.' She smacks her lips together and looks at her hand. 'Why?' She pats the bed for a standing Stiles to sit down. 'Because I-we we're worried about you today.' He tells her and I roll my eyes.

'How are you feeling?' I ask her and she turns to face me, shoving her nose right up my in face. 'I feel... fffantastic.' Stiles laughs awkwardly a little bit, 'Oh.' He says and grabs the pill bottle on her bedside table as she turns back to face him. 'What... I bet you can't say, uh, "I saw Suzy sittin in a shoeshine shop" ten times fast.'

'I saw Shuzy...' she attempts and then stops, 'I shaw...' Stiles and I both smile a little and he puts the bottle back. 'I saw...' Lydia says ominously as she slumps back to a laying position. 'What? Lydia, what did you see?' I ask her. 'Something.' 'Something like... a mountain lion?' Says Stiles. 'A mountain lion.'

'Are you sure you saw a mountain lion, or are you just saying that because that's what the police told you?' 'A mountain lion.' Is the only response we get from her dragged up state. 'What's this?' Stiles asks, holding up the toy giraffe, Jerrold, from next to her lamp. She looks at it and replies, 'A mountain lion.' 'Okay. You're so drunk.' I tell her.

'I'm going to the bathroom quickly, try and get something.' I say to Stiles, getting off the bed and walking just down the hall, Lydia hates when people use her bathroom, half of the time she doesn't even use it herself.

I wash my hands with the lavender soap and dry my hands on the towel. When I get back Stiles is sitting there on Lydia's phone with her passed out on her bed. 'What are you doing?' 'I found something, I really found something.' He shows me the video and I gasp. Holy shit Lydia is amazing.


'Hey, it's me again, we found something about and neither of us know what to do. So if you could turn your phone on right now, that'd be great. Or else, I'll kill you. Do you understand me? I'm gonna kill you. And I'm too upset to come up with a witty description about how exactly I'm gonna kill you but I  just gonna do it, okay? I'm gonna-' the voicemail thing cuts him off and he lets of a frustrated groan, slumping in his desk chair. I watch him from his bed and try to hold back my laugh at his mood.

His dad knocks at the door and we both jump. 'Hey Violet. Please tell me I'm gonna hear good news at this parent teacher thing tonight.' He says to Stiles,
'Depends on how you define "good news".' 'I define it as you getting straight A's with no behavioural issues.' I make a face, 'You're gonna want to redefine your definition Mr S.' Stiles nods with my statement and the poor man sighs. 'Enough said.' He tells us, nodding at me as he walks away.

'Come on Scott, where the hell are you.' He says to no one in particular, watching the video again. I stand behind him as he deletes the video off Lydia's phone. 'It's okay, we can't have that on there, it's what Scott would have told us to do I'm sure.' He nods as I touch his shoulders in hope to comfort him. 'I have to get home soon, I'll take the phone and give it to Lydia tomorrow if that's okay?' 'Yeah yeah of course.' I pick up the device and put it into my bag.

'We can both keep trying Scott but I'll let you know when we gets home if he hasn't already.' He nods. 'Yeah, thank you.' 'You're welcome.' We smile at each other, just standing there for a second, a minute, five, ten, I don't know. We quickly blink out of it, sighing to ourselves as he grabs the car keys and opens the room door for me.

I touch his shoulder and give him a kiss on the cheek, hovering for a second. I can see the blush creeping onto his face and I'm sure that there's a matching one on mine. 'Okay, let's go.'

1612 words

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