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I throw a piece of popcorn at Stiles and giggle as it hits him square in the forehead. 'This is booooooorrringgggggg.' I complain to him as he pauses the movie, 'Can't we do something actually fun?' He rolls his eyes at me. 'Like..?' He asks and I simply shrug, 'Well that's helpful.' he tells me playfully as he gets off his bed. 'I'm going to the bathroom. You wait right here and don't get into any trouble.'

I roll over onto my stomach on the bed and inhale his scent that covers the pillowcases and sheets. I close my eyes and start to think about him, his smile, his laugh, his voice, all of him. Suddenly, his voice wanders through my head, 'Oh my god Stilles, just stop thinking about her.'

I gasp quietly at the shock of hearing something not said out loud and lose focus, breaking the connection linking me to his thoughts.

It happened, again. First Derek and now Stiles, what am I supposed to do? I should tell someone, right...? Scott's a werewolf, I don't think me having super powers is going to be the end of the world.

Stiles comes back into the room and snaps me out of my thoughts, I briefly think about what I heard and brush it away, already knowing who he's thinking about; Lydia. My best friend.

'So, if this is so boring then what do you want to do instead? And don't just shrug at me, I want an actual answer.' I groan, 'Something that isn't watching this stupid movie again.' He gasps in fake offence, 'Stupid??' I roll my eyes and nod at him, 'Stupid.'

'The Titanic isn't stupid! Do you know how hard you'd hit me if I told you your favourite movie was stupid!' 'Yes, because I'd be the one hitting you. Plus, you'd never call 10 Things I Hate About You stupid because you have common sense.. sometimes.' He huffs out a laugh and sits down onto the bed next to me, forcing a creak out of it.

'So... Scott's a werewolf...' I feel my shoulders tense as he continues 'Pretty freaky hey, to think he could have killed that guy. To think he hurt him at all really.' I slowly nod my head, 'Yeah, it's bloody insane.'

'How are you feeling? About this whole thing, about everything in general?' He asks, scooting closer to me and lying down so our arms are millimetres apart. I turn on my side and he does the same, we're now looking at each other face to face and I gulp, knowing I need to tell him.

'Well.. you see, there's this thing...' I trail off as my phone begins to ring. Picking it up, I see it's my mum and I sigh before sitting properly up and answering it. 'Yeah?' 'Where are you and your brother, and please say home. We're still under a law inflicted curfew Violet.'

'Scott's at home, I'm at Stiles's. I'll be fine mom, you know that. Stiles'll drive me home and if you're really worried I'm sure the sheriff will be happy to.' It's like I can hear her roll her eyes on the other side of the screen as she reluctantly says; 'Alright, alright. Be careful. I love you.'

'Love you too mom.'

I turn back around to see Stiles staring up at me, 'I think I better get going, my moms pretty paranoid about me being out.' He nods and sits up on the opposite side of the bed before grabbing his keys and jacket. 'Come on, let's try and get back before your mum ends her shift and dies of a panic attack.' I chuckle softly and stand up to grab my bag and shoes.


I'm in the house twenty five minutes before hearing two loud screams from the room next to mine. I bolt up and enter Scott's room to see Stiles freaking out on the bed next to an open window and my mother with a baseball bat about to attack him. 'What the hell is going on here??' I ask, majorly confused. Scott comes in behind me, turning on the lights. 'Can you please tell your friend to use the front door?'

'But we lock the front door, he wouldn't be able to get in.'

'Yeah, exactly.' I have to stifle a laugh at this. 'And by the way, do either of you care that there's a police in-forced curfew?' 'No.' They both answer and I roll my eyes as they shrug. 'No? Alright then. Well, you know what,' She throws the baseball bat onto the bed, 'that's about enough parenting for me for one night. Goodnight.' They laugh as she walks away and I give her a kiss on the cheek before walking over to next to where Scott is standing.

Scott starts dragging over a chair and I sit on it, stealing it from him and forcing him to stand as he rolls his eyes at me. 'What?' He asks, seeing Stiles's look. 'My dad left for the hospital 15 minutes ago, right as I was getting home from dropping off Violet, it's the bus driver. He said he "succumbed to him wounds".' I widen my eyes, he's dead? 'Succumbed?' Scott asks rather stupidly. 'Scott, he's dead.' Stiles says back and the panic starts to flood Scott's face.

'Derek, I need to go to Derek's.' I shake my head, 'No Scott, you don't. It's dangerous. He could hurt you.' 'He won't Violet, I'll be okay.' I pinch the bridge of my nose and he puts a hand on my shoulder. 'I promise, I'll be alright.' Reluctantly, I agree. Scott will look after himself. He may be new to this whole thing but he's strong, I can tell.

Still, however, I end up staying up most of night, pacing around Scott's room, worrying about him. Stiles had to reluctantly go home with the promise he'd come back first thing in the morning and to call him if anything happened.

The sound of banging fills my ears and I rush over to the window that sits above the bed. Sure enough, when I look down, there's Scott. I unlock and open the window as fast as I can for him to get inside. Once he's on the bed and in the light I actually get a good look at him and he's covered in dirt, dust and dried blood.

'Scott, what in the damn hell happened when you went to Derek's?' My brother precedes to tell me everything that happened, what Scott said, how they fought, and everything about the Alpha that bit Scott, the Alpha that apparently isn't Derek.

After getting him cleaned up and a large amount of coaxing, I end up getting into my own bed and trying my hardest to sleep and not to worry about all this supernatural crap going on.


Flashes of light can be seen, blue, yellow, red. Circular shapes that I'm not sure the meaning of. There's something there, I can see it, something large. The bottom of a tree? Big, thick roots are draped around and there are people, two people. I can see blue again, everything seems blue. Now I'm somewhere else, the woods. A big black thing bounding towards me, red gleaming eyes. Blue, yellow, red. I see Scott, his eyes bright and coloured. Something feels creepy about them, like they're not really his. The edges of my vision start turning pink and the colour slowly takes over my sight. Soon all I can see is pink. Pink, pink, pink.

1267 words

The Twin (Stiles Stilinski X oc)Where stories live. Discover now