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I have a dreamless sleep just like I did the past night and by the time I wake up it's the middle of the day and there's barely any time for me to do anything but put my clothes on before I decide I'm too tired for this shit and go back to bed. I just stick with a black t-shirt and my black leggings. Tomorrow is school and it's the night of the full moon and I'm so not prepared. It's been getting worse every time and now I'm tired as fuck and just want to stay asleep for the next year.

Mom's been worried about me and tried to get me out of bed yesterday and today multiple times. I haven't eaten since I don't know when but at least I'm used to that. I had a shower yesterday afternoon, I think... Maybe it was this morning? Could have also been the middle of the night. I gave myself a paper cut yesterday and it hasn't healed properly even if I've tried to focus my powers on it, I just don't have the energy. I'm going back to sleep.


As I struggle to find what I want to wear today I find Stile's spare lacrosse jersey that has somehow found it's way into my room and roll my eyes. This kid, leaving his stuff everywhere. I'm late which means that I told Scott so leave for school without me, I guess no ride for me today then.

I grab some jeans off my flaw and I slide into them before throwing on the jersey I found over my bra and calling it an outfit. Lydia will not be impressed. I hate this feeling that is growing inside my stomach, the fear of someone finding out my powers, even my brother who is a literal werewolf, it freaks me out to think about him knowing. All the secrets I've kept hidden for so long.

I make my way downstairs with my bag slung around my shoulder and my hair a mess, maybe I should just chop it all off so I don't have to worry about doing it every day. There's a bowl on the bench with Lucky Charms next to it and a note from Mom reading "Milk in the fridge" and a bit from Scott underneath it saying, "Eat!!"

I smile to myself at the note before picking up the bowl and the box, I move one to the sink and the other back into the cupboard. I can eat at school.

By the time I get to school it's already been two periods and I missed a test I was supposed to study and be there for. I did neither. It's still so early and peoples thoughts are already starting to invade my brain which is ridiculously unhelpful and I just want to curl up into a ball on the side of the road and cry, but I can't. I can't because I'm now here at school with people and they will all see me.

I look at my phone for what I realise is the first time all morning and I see multiple missed calls and texts from Mom, Scott, Lydia, Stiles, Allison and Danny. I walk into the school as I read the messages and make my way to my locker. Stiles is there and immediately starts talking to me. I'm only half paying attention to what he's saying but I know it's about Derek and his dad, something about cops? Scott shows up and my everything hurts from just existing already, but at least I feel a smidge better.

I need to be shopping right now. I never really buy stuff but I love doing it when I'm not being totally indecisive. I do have a lot of clothes and not a lot of money but that's all because of my bestest friend to ever exist. Half of the time Lydia makes me pick out things she likes "buys them for herself" wears them once (sometimes never) and then gives them to me because she either "changed her mind" or it's "too last week". I love her.

My brain is so lost in day dreams about shopping I end up running into someone and they fall over. Well crap. 'Shit, sorry!' I say, helping up Allison. 'Oh no, it's fine Violet, I swear. Are you okay? You seem a bit out of it.' I look over to where Stiles was and he waits patiently for me to finish the conversation, no matter how annoyed I know he is on the inside. 'I'm good, just really tired at the moment, not sleeping much.' She gives me a look, a sympathetic look. I hate that look. Scott and I would get it from all the other adults when our dad left, it was ridiculous and horrible and I didn't need anyone else's sympathy.

'Sit with us at lunch?' Allison says which draws my attention to the Jackson standing slightly behind her looking far more annoyed and far more impatient than Stiles does. I shake my head, 'No, no, it's okay I'm gonna go eat with Stiles.' She gives me a little smile before turning away, somewhere in between a smirk and a genuine smile. I cannot, for the love of god, figure this chick out. I stare intensely at her back, thinking about her mind and her face, all the details I can imagine about her as a person. I close my eyes and I can hear thoughts, vague things.

She's thinking about Scott a lot, doesn't know if she did the right thing or how bad she hurt him. She's sad, really upset, but she's also suspicious. Of Scott and Stiles, of her dad and her Aunt. I feel anger and resentment, anxiety, it's just a whirlpool of emotions and thoughts in there.

Stiles grabs me as I fall. Things start to blur black at the edges with bursts of white light through my line of vision. I've pushed myself too hard after already being tired and now this is happening, great. 'Come on, let's go sit outside' Poor, confused Stiles says to me as I begin to stand up right again. I nod, 'Yes, let's do that.' He doesn't let go of my hand he somehow managed to grab as he leads me outside to a table and pulls out his food. He's happy, I can sense it, worried but happy. He's also got this warmth around him that I can't quite figure out, it's like a hug and a kiss and a goodbye all wrapped into one, he's happy but he's not and he cares. He cares so much.

I don't know what about though.


In the locker room, something is up with Scott. I can tell as I sit in between him and Stiles once all the guys are dressed (thank god). Stiles from my other side starts going crazy and I realise it's because Coach put him on first line. I start clapping and fake chanting 'Stiles' as Jackson looks at him with total disdain.

'Bilinski, McCall.' Coach says to us. 'Yes?' Stiles replies, 'Shut up.' 'Yes sir.' The boy next to me says as Jackson, Danny and Mike laugh like idiots. I roll my eyes and turn my attention to the very-proud-of-himself Stiles, patting him on the back and whispering 'good job' into his ear with a kiss on the cheek. He blushes. 'Stiles.' Scott says to him, 'It's Biles. Call me Biles or I swear to god I'll kill you.' Stiles ("Biles") says to my brother. 'Another thing. From here on out, immediately, we're switching to co-captains. Congratulations, McCall. And not you, the one who's actually on the team.' Coach says to Scott and then to me even if he knows that I am perfectly aware I'm not actually supposed to be in here.

I turn to Scott who is just in shock and then to Jackson who looks ready to punch someone, multiple people even. 'What.' Dumbfounded Jackson says to Coach. 'What do you mean, what? Jackson, this takes nothing away from you. This is about combining seperate strengths into one unit. This is about taking your unit, McCall's unit, we're making one big unit. McCall, it's you and Jackson now. Everybody else...' He blows that stupid whistle and I cringe, 'Asses on the field! Asses on the field!' They all grab their stuff and I walk next to Scott as Stiles talks to him. 'Dude, can you believe this? You're captain, I'm first line. I'm first freaking line!' I smile as I walk out with the guys beside me, I love these two so much.

1454 words

A/n: okay so this is the extent of Violets powers, I'm not gonna give her anymore. She's a psychic, an empath type thing that ties into her psychicness and she's got healing powers.
Idk if she should tell Stiles about the powers before she learns to control them so that he can help her or after so she does this big dramatic reveal of them when she's in full control, what do you guys think?

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