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Scott's horrid attempt at a howl leaves my ears ringing. I scrunch my eyes closed in pain as Stiles tells him how absolutely terrible that was. I look up to make sure that the sound I can hear is actually coming out of my brother's mouth. It's a low growl but loud, very loud, the alpha will definitely know we're here.

'I'm going to kill all three of you! What the hell was that?' Derek points his finger at us, crankily shouting. 'What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school?' 'Sorry. I didn't know it would be that loud.' Scott tells him. 'Yeah, it was loud. And it was awesome.' I roll my eyes as they laugh.

'Shut up.' 'Don't be such a sour wolf.' That kid's gonna get himself killed sometime soon, I swear. 'What'd you do with him?' I ask Derek as I notice Deton is no longer in the car. If he's harmed that man I'll murder him, werewolf or no werewolf. 'What?' Derek reply's to me, looking behind him to the empty car in confusion. 'I didn't do anything.'

The man in front of us suddenly doubles over in pain and blood comes from his mouth. He is lifted up into the air by the claws of a giant, black, beast. The alpha.

Scott, Stiles and I sprint our asses into the school, grabbing the doors for dear life. 'Lock it! Lock it!' I scream at Stiles and he flaps around, 'Do I look like I have a key?!' 'Grab something!' Scott shouts back, 'What?' 'Anything!' We both exclaim at the same time. I try to pull him back down as he suddenly stands up and looks out the door window.

'No.' Scott and I both stand up to see what he's looking at and I immediately disagree. 'Yes.' Stubborn boy. 'Stiles, no, don't.' It's Scott telling him not to this time but he still doesn't listen. Scott and I watch in fear as he sneaks out to grab the pliers and I resist the urge to scream my lungs out at him to not die as we see the beast emerging from behind the Jeep.

I can't watch anymore and just slide down along one of the side walls as Scott bangs on the door, shouting for him to hurry. He returns in time and shoves the pliers into the door handles. I grab him from the side and just hug him for a few seconds before letting go as we keep watching for where the Alpha is. It's not near the Jeep where it just was, it's not along the car park anywhere. We walk back from the door and the boys on either side of me turn to each other.

'That won't hold, will it?' 'Probably not.' We look back into the corridor and run for it to the nearest classroom. We begin pushing the desk over to block the door when Stiles stops us. 'Stop, stop! The door's not gonna keep it out.' 'We know.' 'It's your boss.' I shake my head, 'What?' 'Deton, the Alpha? Your boss.'

'No.' They both look at me, 'Yes, murdering psycho werewolf.' It's not Deton, trust me I know.' Scott nods his head along, agreeing with me. 'Oh, come on. He disappears and then that thing shows up 10 seconds later to toss Derek 20 feet through the air? That's not convenient timing?'

'It's not him.' 'He killed Derek.' 'No, Derek's not dead. He can't be dead.' 'Blood, spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead, and we're next.' 'Okay, just... What do we do?' I watch Stiles as he thinks for a second, 'We get to my jeep, we get out of here, you seriously think about quitting your job, good?' I grit my teeth at his last words but Scott just nods his head in compliance.

We move to the window and Scott tries to open them. 'No, they don't open, the school's climate-controlled.' I explain. 'Then we break it.' 'Which will make a lot of noise.' Stiles tells him. 'Then... then we run fast. Really fast.' I internally groan at the thought, running is NOT my forte. 'Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your Jeep?' Scott asks, drawing my attention from the thought of exercise. 'What do you mean? Nothing's wrong.'

'It's bent.' I tell the boy, 'Like, dented?' He asks. 'No, I mean bent.' 'What the hell.'

I scream into my hand as something large crashes through the glass of the window. We look over from our place on the floor and as the dim torch light brushes over it I realise it's a part from the Jeep, a part with claw marks covering the surface. 'That's my battery...' Stiles says, frightened. 'Don't move.' Scott says as I pull him back down. 'We have to move.' 'He would be right outside.' I tell him, my voice slightly quivering. 'He is right outside.' The boy next to me tells us both as he shines the light back over the damaged car part.

'Just let me take a look.' Scott says as he slowly creeps up the side of the wall, Stiles in tow. 'Anything?' I ask them from the ground. 'No.' 'Move now?' Stiles asks, looking back down at me. 'Move now.' Scott says and we leave the classroom as quiet as we can, sneaking into the corridor. 'This way.' My brother tells us but Stiles stops him, 'No, no, no, no.' 'What?' 'Somewhere without windows.' I say, knowing what Stiles is thinking is a good idea.

'Every single room in this building has windows.' Scott is starting to get annoyed, I can see it. 'Or somewhere with less windows.' Stiles tells him. 'The locker room.' Scott realises and Stiles agrees, patting him on the shoulder as we hurry away. 'Call your dad.' Scott says, 'And tell him what?' 'I don't know, anything. There's a gas leak, a fire, whatever. If that thing sees the parking lot filled with cop cars, it'll take off.'

'What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely Terminator and kills every cop in sight, including my dad?' 'They have guns.' I shake my head at his incompetence, 'Yeah, and Derek had to be shot with a wolfsbane-laced bullet to even slow him down, you remember that?' I tell my brother. 'Then we... We have to... We have to find a way out and just run for it.' He's just grasping at straws now and I don't blame him.

'There's nothing near the school for at least a mile.' Stiles says. 'What about Derek's car?' 'That could work. We go outside, we get the keys off his body, and then we take his car.' His body. Derek's dead. This isn't going to work, I already know it, there's about a 1 in 10 chance we could pull this off. 'And him.' I tell them both. 'Fine. Whatever.' Stiles agrees. We walk across the room and over to the locker room door.

Stiles goes to open the door but Scott grabs his hand, stopping him. 'What?' I ask. 'I think I heard something.' 'Like what?' They whisper loudly. 'Shh, quiet.' Scott tells him even though he's being just as loud. We slowly retreat from the door, Scott grabs the torch from Stiles and covers up the light. 'Hide.' is all he says to us and Stiles starts rattling a locker, being far too loud. 'No, no, Stiles. No!' Scott whispers but it's too late, he's already lodged himself in there and made enough sound to wake the dead. Next thing I know my brother is also getting into one of the lockers and I'm standing there by myself.

I hear screaming and shouting from where I am standing in a corner and I quickly rush over to where the boys are. 'Quiet my ass, what the hell are you trying to do, kill me?' I realise that the janitor has found them and I sigh in relief, at least it's not the Alpha. 'Both of you get out.' He tells them loudly. 'Just listen for half a second, okay?' Stiles says to the poor man. 'Not okay. Get the hell out of here right now.' He pushes them out and I follow behind, 'Just one second of your time to explain.' I tell him, giving him a small fright. 'Just shut up and go.' He tells us before getting suddenly grabbed and slammed against the closed door, screaming.

I cover my mouth, shocked and scared as he gets dragged down, blood staining the window. Scott runs towards him, trying to save him and Stiles has to grab him and pull him back. We run as fast as we can and I hear the door smacking down and a loud growl.

We're not going to survive this night.

1484 words

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