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Lydia and I are talking as the lacrosse boys make their way out to the field. I see Scott and Stiles talking up the hall about whatever they're talking about but they're both definitely looking at Lyd and I. Scott walks towards us and turns to me, 'Can we talk Vi?' he says to me. 'Uh, sure.' Lydia gives him a bit of a suspicious look and walks away, saying goodbye to me.

I lead Scott into an empty Coach's' office, sitting cross legged in his chair. 'What's up?' I say and frown as his expression morphs about ten different times before giving me an answer. 'It's Stiles.' My frown deepens at that, 'What about him?' My brother leans against the desk in front of me, 'He really like Lydia Vi.' My heart drops to my stomach, is that what this is about? Some kind of Stiles intervention? 'Okay, what about it?'

'You don't have a chance with him.' Oh. I scoff, 'Why would I need a "chance" with Stiles? What, you think I like him? No you're sorely mistaken.' There's something not right about this, his eyes are darker than they usually are, how does that even happen? 'Are you okay Scott?' He nods, 'I'm fine Violet.' I pick up my bag and turn the door handle, 'Well thanks for letting me know Stiles has no interest in me Scott. But I don't care.'

I walk out onto the field in tears, wiping my face vigorously, trying not to smudge my mascara. Why do I care so much, why does this bother me. I sit down on the benches watching as Scott comes out and sits next to Stiles. I'm with Lydia so I'm trying not to tear up, I don't want to talk about this with her or with anyone.

I watch the game and I see Scott starting to get angry, like really mad. He hits Danny and the boy falls to the ground. I rush to see if he's okay along with the rest of the team and most people on the bench. I walk over to where Stiles is standing, his face changes to concern as he can obviously see my tear stained face. 'What did Scott say to you?' He asks me and I shake my head, 'Nothing, nothing, he was just telling me about you and you're crush on Lydia, she's way out of your league you know.' I say, pretending to find it hilarious. I don't get an answer out of him as he walks away. Well...


I faintly hear the downstairs door open and I already know it's Stiles, my "powers" have been fucking up all afternoon, I'm currently trying to focus on painting my nails to keep them under control. I decide to wait until my nails are 110% dry before going into Scott's room to see him and Stiles.

'Violet!!' Stiles calls out and I sigh before getting up and making my way to Scott's room. 'Ye-' I begin to say something but I'm cut off when I see Scott hand cuffed to the radiator and Stiles standing there above him. I laugh as the boy in front of me gets out a dog bowl with "Scott" in letters across the side and pours water from a bottle in it, giving it to my brother. That smiles quickly fades as it gets thrown at his back with a threat to kill him.

'Well you obviously have this under control, I'm just gonna...' I turn to leave but Stiles grabs my wrist to turn me back, as if that wasn't enough he puts both his hands on my waist and gently pushes me back down the hallway and next to the doorway of Scott's room. 'Nice nails.' He says with a grin as we sit there. 'Stiles, Violet, let me out. It's the full moon, I swear, I wouldn't do any of this stuff.'

'What stuff?' I say, turning to Stiles assuming he must know what Scott's talking about but he just shrugs. My eyes haze over slightly as my powers start to play up, making me turn from Stiles so he doesn't see. I can't let anyone know about this, not until I have them under control.

Scott and Stiles are talking, they're in their uniforms, it must be a memory from earlier today.

'Please guys, let me out, it's starting to hurt. It's not like the first time, it's the full moon, it's Allison breaking up with me. It's not just taking a break. She broke up with me. And it's killing me, I feel completely hopeless. Please let me out.' He begs us. 'I can't.' Stiles replies to him and he starts screaming loudly, Stiles and I cover our ears but that's not enough to block out the horrendous sound.

It suddenly stops. 'Scott are you okay? Scott?' I ask before getting up and opening the door. He's gone. 'Fuck!' Stiles curses, kicking the radiator but immediately regretting it as he grabs his foot in pain and falls flat on his ass. 'We need to find him, we need to go. Where would you be if you were a run away werewolf sad about your ex on a full moon?' He rambles on without giving me a change to cut in. 'Stiles. Stop for a second.' I finally say loudly to him and he looks over at me. 'What is it?' He asks. 'I can find him.'

He looks at me very confused, 'How?' I sigh, closing my eyes. 'You cannot tell anyone about this, not a single word to any living soul, not yet.' He is silent but I can feel his nodding. I focus as hard as I can, spreading my mind as far as I can. I catch thoughts here and there but I search for Scott's. As I'm trying to reach out I feel something else, something dangerous. It reeks of death. My eyes slam open and I see Stiles staring back at me. 'We need to go.'

Stiles stands there in shock over my glowing pink eyes. 'Now!' I say with urgency and he snaps into action, grabbing the car keys and running out the door. We rush down the stairs and get into the Jeep as fast as we can, Stiles puts the keys in and turns on the engine. The old car immediately comes roaring to life and he begins to back it out of the driveway. 'Okay, where are we going?' He looks over at me and I can sense my eyes are still glowing slightly because of the way he seems to be gazing at them.

'Well I don't have an exact address but in that general direction.' I point West of the house, 'Just keep driving along this road, we'll find something.' Stiles guides the metal over where I told him to and we drive along the road until finally we come across something. Paramedics and police.

'No. No, no, no.' We both get out of the car and Stiles runs to the nearest officer. 'Dad? Dad? Has anyone seen my dad?' We both catch a glimpse of the distorted arm on a medical bed at the same time and I hold back a gasp. Please god, let that not be the sheriff. 'Stiles.' I sigh with relief as Stiles hugs his father. 'You two shouldn't be out and about at this time. How many times am I going to have to catch you and say that?' The poor man says, sighing with exhaustion. 'Look Sheriff, I'm sorry. I told Stiles I wanted a better look at the moon tonight, and Stiles being Stiles he made that happen.' I tell him and he nods, knowing that's something his son would do.

'Take Violet back to her house Stiles. Then you go straight home, do you hear me?' The boy next to me nods and turns back around to the car. I go to do the same but am stopped by the arm of the Sheriff. 'That boy, he'll do anything for you Violet. Make sure you keep him safe.' I nod, 'Of course I will.' He nods back and let's me go back to the car but as I'm walking I catch a glimpse of the words he wanted to say but didn't, couldn't. 'I can't loose him too.'


I'm on fire and everything around me is burning. It's not burning like that fire I dreamt about before, it's soft and calm, it's like a hug but in flames. It's like I feel myself slowly burning out of existence. There's Scott, talking to me through the flames. He's mouthing words like he's having a conversation with me, but I know it's a conversation we already had. He's saying the same stuff he said in coaches office, talking about Stiles. But then there's Stiles. He stands there and Scott is talking to him and he's talking back. The conversation from the hall I couldn't hear. 'What if she loves me too?' Everything turns dark.

1507 words

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