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It's been about three days since the night of the full moon and for some god-knows-what reason, I'm belly button deep in Derek Hale's pitch black backyard. 'This is taking way too long.' I tell the boys. 'Just keep going.' Stiles says and we continue digging, 'What if he comes back?' Scott says. 'Then we get the hell out of here.' I sigh, 'What if he catches us?' I roll my eyes at Stiles as he says 'I have a plan for that.' I stop for a sec to catch my breath, 'Which is?' 'We each pick a different way and run. Whoever he catches first, too bad.' Scott shakes his head, 'I hate that plan.'

'All right. Stop, stop, stop!' Stiles says as he hits something in the ground with his shovel. We start to brush away the dirt with our hands and Stiles begins to untie the knots of twine. 'Hurry.' Scott tells him, 'I'm trying. Did he have to tie the thing in like 900 knots?' Stiles replies. 'I'll do it.' Scott says and they both keep untieing them. They open the fabric beneath and we all scream and leap out of the hole. 'What the hell is that??' Stiles asks pointing to the dead wolf head in the ground.

'It's a wolf.' Scott says. 'Yeah. I can see that. I thought you said you smelled blood? As in human blood?' Stiles half asks him. 'I told you guys something was different.' Stiles shakes his head, 'This doesn't make sense.' he says. 'We've gotta get out of here.' I tell them both. 'Yeah, okay, help me cover this up.' Stiles says to me and Scott. We start pushing the dirt back down when Stiles stops and starts staring at something.

'Why'd you stop?' I ask him. 'You see that flower?' He says to us and Scott nods, 'Yeah? What about it?' 'I think it's wolfsbane.' Scott and I turn to him and shrug. 'And that is...?' I ask and Stiles sighs, 'Haven't you two ever seen the Wolf Man?' I frown at him as Scott shakes his head. 'Lon Chaney Jr.? Claude Rains. The original, classic werewolf movie?'

'No! What?' Scott shouts, 'You are so unprepared for this.' Stiles says and gets up to walk over to the purple plant. He gently tugs it from the ground and I furrow my eyebrows at the sight of string attached to the base of it. I get up as Stiles continues to pull the string up from the dirt around us, going round and round in a spiral. Scott suddenly jumps up and stares at where the wolf had been. 'Stiles...' is all I can say as I look at the hole, gobsmacked. 'Holy-' Stiles says as he jumps a bit at the sight of the girl, covered in dirt and blood, staring up at us with a blank yet threatening expression. This is all the proof we need.


By the time morning comes, Derek Hale is being taken off in the Sherif's car as Scott and I stand against Stile's Jeep, watching the scene unfold. Scott begins to shake his head and mouth no when Stiles comes waltzing through the trees and jumps into the car to talk to Derek but I simply roll my eyes, especially when his father comes and pulls him away. I can vaguely hear them talking and Stile's revealing that Scott was with him and I the night we were looking for the body and I sigh at his stupidity.

Scott is trying to find things on the internet about wolfsbane being used in burial when he starts snapping at Stiles and I frown at the way he's acting, somethings wrong. 'I can't breathe!' Scott cries out to Stiles and I. He rips open Stiles' bag and I see the blue wolfsbane flowers sitting in there.

'You kept it??' I ask, very concerned for my brother. 'What was I supposed to do with it?!' Stiles replies while Scott's shouting for him to stop the car. When his eyes glow yellow Stiles knows he has to listen and he stops it, running out of the car with the bag. I watch him throw the bag with the wolfsbane in it far into the bush but once he turns around and I look back to the front seat, Scott's gone.

'Shit, shit, shit!!' I say, covering my mouth as Stiles comes back to the car. 'Where did he go?! Where the hell did he go?!?' I don't answer and instead throw the door open and jump out of the car, immediately calling out for Scott. Stiles comes to stand next to me and we shout out his name into the woods, shoulders vaguely touching, giving me little butterflies in my stomach.

I roll my eyes at Stiles's attempt to find out information from the cops. 'Stiles, you know you can't call the dispatch line when I'm on duty.' The lady on the other end of the radio says. 'I just need to know if you've gotten any odd calls.' He replies to her, 'Odd how?' she asks. 'Uh, like a, odd person, or.. a dog like individual roaming the streets?' I quietly burst out laughing to myself in the back, hand to my mouth trying to stifle the laughter spilling from my lips. 'I'm hanging up on you now.' I don't blame her.

Stiles attempts (and fails) to stop her from hanging up but she does it anyway with a curt 'goodbye.' He throws his phone down in frustration and continues driving god knows where.


It's dark and cold and I'm absolutely sick of driving around and around. We finally get into Stiles's house because of the lacrosse game, and I'm I just done with life. And he makes me sit downstairs as he gets changed into his uniform (even though he can do it at school he insisted on doing it at home) and I get a chance chat to his dad who's actually home from work for once.

Once Stiles is done changing all three of us bundle into the car to drive to the freezing fields. Stiles sits down on the bench and his dad comes over to near where I'm sitting with Allison and Lydia, Mom behind me and Allison's father next to her.

The game is going well, from anyone normals perspective that is. For Stiles and I though, it's a whole different story. I can see Scott getting angrier and angrier by the minute, his eyes suddenly glowing yellow through his helmet as he starts to change. He'll rip the players on that field to shreds before I could say stop, coming at the people watching next.

Not long after I see the change my brother is enduring I notice that Derek Hale has showed up to the game. He keeps his distance but he watches Scott like a hawk. As if sensing my stare (he probably can, he's a werewolf) he snaps his head around to me and we make eye contact. I keep it, not even blinking, trying to focus on what he could be thinking, what he'll do if Scott does something out there.

My head starts to burn but I can't turn away, he looks completely fine, is he doing something to me? Some kind of wolf thing to kill me? Hurt me? I don't understand what's happening until suddenly I hear something that makes me gasp. His thoughts. It's not him, it's me. I just read his fucking mind.

I almost tumble back though the seats at this realisation and immediately turn back to the game. Brushing off Allison's 'Are you alright?' question and trying to focus on the issue at hand. My brother. Me and my problems, (my powers?) can wait till later.

1302 words

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