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I walk downstairs in my white dress, brown boots and one of my sunflower bobby pins in my hair with my green coat over my arm. 'What're you wearing?' Scott asks from the table where he's eating his cereal. 'What?' I question, raising an eyebrow. 'Aren't you riding on my bike?' He says. 'Scotty my dear brother, I am a girl of many talents, I can ride your bike while wearing a dress, it is possible.' He rolls his eyes and finishes off his breakfast so we can ride to school.

Once we arrive at the school I start to look around for either Lydia or Stiles while Scott chains up his bike. I hear Jackson telling my brother to "watch the paint job bro" and I turn around to interrupt whatever asshole remark Scott is about to say. 'Jackson, where's Lydia?' He gives Scott a glare before turning to me with a smile, 'She's not here right now but she said she'll be here soon.' I smile back at him. 'Thanks, Jackson.' I tell him as he walks off. 'I still don't get how you're friends with that jerk.' I roll my eyes at Scott. 'It's not particularly by choice but I mean, he's not that bad Scott.' He simply sighs in reply.

Once Scott finishes chaining up his bike we walk over to where Stiles has finally arrived. 'Okay, let's see this thing' Stiles says to Scott, referring to the bite. Scott winces as he tugs his shirt up a little to reveal the bandage. 'Ooh!' Stiles says as he reaches out to touch it and Scott flinches away, letting his shirt back down to cover it up, 'Yeah, woah.' I say. 'It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf.' I laugh slightly, 'A wolf bit you?' 'Uh-huh.' Scott tells us. 'No, not a chance.' Stiles says and I nod in agreeance.

'I heard a wolf howling.' 'No, you didn't.' I say, laughing again. 'What do you mean, no I didn't? How do you know what I heard?' Scott replies giving us both a weird look. 'Because California doesn't have wolves, okay?' Stiles tells him, 'Not in like 60 years.' I say. 'Really?' Scott says, raising his eyebrows. 'Yes, really. There are no wolves in California.' Scott shrugs as he says, 'All right, well if you guys don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not gonna believe me about when I tell you I found the body.'

'You- are you kidding me?!' Stiles says, he's so cute when he's excited like this. 'No, man, I wish. I'm gonna have nightmares for a month.' Scott says and Stiles laughs, 'Oh, god, that is freakin' awesome. I mean, this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since-' I don't get to hear the rest of what Stiles says because I'm suddenly grabbed by the arm by a certain strawberry blond.

'Well, morning to you too Lyd.' I tell her. 'I don't have time for greetings, I'm a busy girl Violet, places to go, people to see and things to attend to.' I roll my eyes at her comment just in time for the bell to go. 'Don't be late to watch practice today like usual, you need to stop hanging around in the boys' locker room, it's weird.' I sigh at her, 'But I'm allowed to, plus it means I get to check out all the hot ones and snatch them up before they're gone.' I say, winking at her. 'Yeah, well, the last hot one you "snatched up" turned out to be gay.' I laugh at her and walk in the door to class.

I plonk my bag down next to my seat in front of Stiles and next to my brother. 'As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night. And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody.' The teacher tells us and Scott and I both turn to Stiles who simply shrugs. 'Which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining this semester.' I internally groan as we all pick up the sheet of paper in front of each of us. I have a feeling this is going to be a long year.

I stare at the sheet on my table for the next five minutes of class, up until a girl walks in. 'Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome.' She comes and walks down the row of desks until she reaches the empty table behind Scott. She's quite pretty, medium-length dark hair, brown eyes and about my height, 5'7". Scott turns around to her as she sits down and holds out one of his pens, 'Thanks..' she says to him, slightly unsure. Stiles gives me a questioning look and I just shrug, having no idea what my idiot brother is up to now.

I paid absolutely no attention throughout that lesson, I knew practically all of it off by heart anyway. Scott and Stiles are already at our lockers, both looking at Allison talking to Lydia and Jackson. I walk up to them and quickly unlock my locker that's positioned in between Stiles and Scott's before grabbing a book out and putting one back in.

A girl from my English class walks up to us, 'Can someone tell me how new girl is here all of five minutes, and he's already hanging out with Lydia's clique?' 'Because she's hot.' Stiles states, 'Beautiful people herd together.' I close my locker and turn to him 'Thanks, Stiles.' I say before winking at him and walking over to Lydia, Jackson and Allison. I hear a faint 'Dude don't flirt with my sister' from Scott as I move away from them.

I wave at Allison, 'Hey, I'm Violet.' She's about to introduce herself but Lydia butts in. 'So, this weekend there's a party.' 'A party?' Allison asks. 'Yeah, Friday night.' Jackson tells her. Shit, the party, I totally forgot I agreed to that. I'm too busy in my own little world, thinking about the excuses I could use that I don't even notice them all start to walk away. 'Violet.' Lydia calls out to me, 'Are you coming or what?' 'Oh right yeah, of course.' I say, hurrying after them.

I watch from the bleaches with Allison and Lydia as Scott gets thrown the goalie gear by Coach and I sigh and shake my head, knowing he'll be crap and get hit in the face. 'Who is that?' Allison asks while looking at Scott. 'That, dear Allison, is my asshat of a brother.' I tell her with a smile, 'Why?' 'He's in our English class, I was just curious.' I sigh and wince as my ball-to-the-face prediction comes true.

I prepare myself to watch him get hit right in the face again (or even worse, the balls) but I'm pleasantly surprised when it lands directly in his net. Everyone is shocked into silence as he catches one after the other. I frown as Jackson pushes past everyone else to get to the front of the line. He begins to run at him and I'm tempted to cover my eyes so I don't have to see him get hit but I end up standing up and cheering as he miraculously catches it and throws it back to the ref.

Stiles and I keep cheering out for him and we share a smile from opposite sides of the silver seats that sets my stomach alive with butterflies. God, I love him...

1309 words

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