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Can I drive? Legally I'm at the age to but... well... no, okay? I can't drive. Am I driving anyway? Fuck. Yes. I've got Scott's drivers license and my sleeping mothers car, if I need to I'll just make up some excuse, tell them I used to be a man or something. Not that that would exactly work seeings as everyone in the sheriffs station knows exactly who I am, knows my brother and knows both my parents.

I speed down the roads to the hospital, trying not to hit any mailboxes on the way, my CD still in the car and Back To December is playing, thank god because Taylor Swift is the only thing that will calm me down right now. "THIS IS ME SWALLOWING MY PRIDE STANDING IN FRONT OF YOU SAYING IM SORRY FOR THAT NIIIGHTTTT" I sing loudly, attempting to distract myself from the growing pit in my stomach, banging on the steering wheel to the beat of the song.

As I finally pull into the parking lot I don't even bother to turn off the car, just leaving TSwizzle blasting in case we need to make a speedy getaway. I run as fast as my unfit ass will let me up to the doors and as soon as I violently fling them open I see Stiles turning a corner and running towards me before stopping in slight shock that I'm standing there. I see plaster on his shoulder and a smear of blood on his cheek and immediately ask "Are you hurt??" At the same time he exclaims, "What're you doing here??"

"Never mind that now, we need to get to the car and get to Scott at the school." I grab his arm and pull him out of the building and back to the running car. "Taylor Swift? Seriously?" "Obviously. You know you love her." He knows he does, who doesn't. "Yeah but right now? Really?"

"She's calming me down okay?!" I grab ahold of either side of his face and watch the small cut on his cheek, it would heal by itself but this makes it easier and I'll be less worried about him if I know it's all fixed.

I squeeze my eyes closed quickly and feel his skin repairing itself before opening them again. Where I thought he would be flinching away he's now just staring at me with wide eyes, almost admiring me. I pull away from him and back to the steering wheel, pushing on the accelerator and attempting to ignore whatever it was that just happened.

I see him touch his cheek out of the corner of my eye and open his mouth to say something. Before he is able to get a word out I turn Speak Now up and let it fill the silence between us as I race towards the school.

"But I know you wish it was me, you wish it was me. Don't you?" I mutter along.

"Don't say yes, run away now. I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door." Stiles sings with Taylor and I loudly, making me laugh as I raise my singing to match his.

By the time we're at the school Dear John is just finishing and as much as I hate to, I turn the car off and stop the music. Stiles and I jump out to see the field empty, no Scott, no Alpha in sight. Stiles and I look at each other and nod, "The locker room." If he's not here and he's not kidnapped, that's where he'll be.

We rush as fast as we can to get into the school, dodging the last few people left in the building and trying to not tumble over as we run through the halls.

By the time we get to Scott he's sitting up on the bench, a towel wrapped around his waist and looking unharmed, thank god. "Dude, we have a huge problem." Stiles says to him, skidding through the doorway. "Trust me, I know." Well at least we don't have to explain too much to him then I guess.


So, I suppose we're looking after Jackson now, much to all of our dismay. I'd rather be asleep right now, or dead, both sound like viable options. "Your friend here was having car trouble. We're just taking a look." I nearly gag at the word 'friend' but plaster a friendly smile on my face anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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