Chapter 35

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» Chapter 35 «

"Jade," a voice whispers. I flutter my eyes open, rubbing my eyes furiously to get the drowsy feeling out of my system. I look around my bedroom, trying to locate where the sound of my name is coming from. The bathroom lights are on and Shriya and Harry are not in bed. This must mean that Shriya is in the bathroom and Harry got up early so Anne would not see.

I get up from the bed and I hear my name being called again. "Jade..."

Walking down the stairway with caution, I notice the front door is wide open. The house is still and the clock reads six in the morning. No one would be awake or at least doing anything.

I slip outside, still hearing my name being called. Across the long, narrow road on the other side is a familiar looking woman. She has short brown hair that reaches to her ears with the same color eyes. She does not look quite young but young enough to not be an elderly woman. Her cheekbones stand out quite well, her kind face holding a smile.

"Jade," she says, tears welling in her eyes.

"Who are you?" I ask. "What do you want from me?"

The smile comes right off of the woman's face, a hurt expression replacing it. "You... you don't remember me?" I shake my head no. "You don't remember your mum?"

I gasp, taking a step back. A car speeds in front of us but I am on one side of the street and my... mum on the other.

"Mam?" I whisper, remembering what I called her, especially with my Geordie accent.

She extends her arms out, the smile still on her face. "Come."

I smile, walking towards her. But I did not see the car speeding on the lane. The black car rams into my side, sending me flying to the floor. I almost hear my bones crush on the side of my face. My legs are stuck under the tires and the driver exits his or her vehicle.

"Look what you've done!" My mum exclaims to the driver. I touch my face slowly, becoming dizzy when it retrieves the red color of my blood.

"Jade," Harry's deep voice comes through.

"Harry," I say in barely a whisper. I recognise this black car... It belongs to Harry.

Harry bends down beside my fallen body, his hand touching my cheek. The air becomes light and my head spins furiously. He places his lips to my forehead and I hold back a sob.

I do not hear what he says afterwards as everything becomes black.


Harry's POV

The rain comes pouring down onto the earth. My hands clench into fists as they shake at my sides. I close my eyes as my tears meld with the raindrops.

Gemma stands beside me, holding my hand before kissing my cheek. "It wasn't your fault."

I do not have the strength to protest against her statement. I hurt Jade, the one woman I loved so much I would die for her.

I hear the girls' sobs and cries --especially Perrie’s --as the casket lowers into the ground. I bite my lip hard, so hard the metallic taste of blood does not faze me. I rub my sweaty palms against my black suit. I hate the color black, which so happens to be the color everyone has to wear for the funeral.

Dirt covers the casket as Louis and Liam bury her. I close my eyes, my body shaking. How did I not see her standing on the road?

Perrie’s screams of "you killed her, you monster!" all go through one ear and out the other. I am just waiting for the moment this nightmare stops as my eyes open to face my beautiful angel. But that obviously will not happen.

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