Chapter 30

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Thank you to @sovereigns who made the banner on the side  ∞XXX∞


∞ Chapter 30 ∞

"Did you feel it —I mean her kick?" I ask Perrie, poking her stomach lightly. She laughs and I chuckle nervously. I am not used to the fact that there is a human being inside of her.

"Yeah, actually recently as well. I only felt her kick once but I'm not sure if she'll kick again," Perrie says, bringing my hand to her slightly swollen belly. I must have been really hung over Harry if I did not see her small bump earlier. (A/N: CUE THE ED SHEERAN!)

At first, nothing happens. Then, I feel a small nudge and I flinch. Perrie laughs, Candy chuckling in the back at my reaction.

"Jade, can I ask you a question?" Perrie asks me, standing closer to me. I simply nod. "Have you ever, you know, had intimate experiences with Harry?"

My eyes bulge out and I shake my head vigorously. "No, we are... taking things slow. I just recently knew that I do love him."

"Then go tell him," Perrie says, gesturing to the hall where Zayn and Harry are. "That man will rip his hair out of his head if you don't tell him soon." I swallow hard, knowing that she is right. With a nod, I exit the kitchen. In the foyer room is only Harry, Zayn nowhere in sight.

"Where's Zayn?" I ask him. Harry raises his head, standing up suddenly.

"He..." the word comes out in a rasp. Harry clears his throat and I cannot help but smile at how adorable he is when he is nervous. "He went upstairs."

Without a second thought, I walk towards Harry and wrap my arms around his torso. He almost loses his balance and is taken aback by my sudden affectionate gesture.

"I'm sorry, Harry," I whisper into his shirt, biting my bottom lip and squeezing my eyes shut to hold me back from full on sobbing. "I'm so sorry."

"Hey," Harry whispers, lifting my face from his torso so I am looking up at him. His nimble fingers brush and carress my cheek and I want to cry out. "Don't be sorry about anything."

"But... but I put you through hell and I—"

"You gave me a wake up call," he says, interrupting my blubbering. "Of what will happen if I let someone take you from me or if I lost you."

I bite my lip again to somehow conceal my upcoming tears.

"And you need to stop being so insecure about yourself," Harry adds, pushing away a few strands of hair from my face.

"How can I not be insecure? I just felt guilty because you kept saying 'I love you' yet I couldn't even tell you the same. And I mean look at you! How can I not worry that someone curvier and willing to have sex will take you away from me?" I ask him, all of my worries pouring into words.

"That's what this is all about?" Harry asks in disbelief, giving me a horrific expression. I nod once. "Don't you ever be insecure about how you look or your body, Jade. God gave you this beautiful body and He made you amazing just the way you are. (A/N: CUE THR BRUNO MARS!) Just because you're smaller and more petite than other girls, it doesn't mean I would love you any less. We don't need sex in a relationship. You don't need to think that I will praise you just because you give your body to me. Sex means nothing to me. One of the reasons why I love you is because you don't flaunt your body around for sex. I love you just the way you are. Your curves, your stomach, your arms, your legs, your face, your hair and, goddamn, those beautiful, mesmerizing brown eyes. I love everything about you."

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