Chapter 23

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∞ Chapter 23 ∞

"What?!" both Harry and I exclaim in unison, my voice going an octave higher.

"They..." Zayn starts breathlessly as tears fall out of his eyes.

Harry walks towards him, putting a hand to his shoulder in a reassuring manner. "We'll find her, mate. I won't let Des take the last bit of happiness you have."

I smile. I never knew how sweet, how kind Harry is towards his mates. Hell, towards anyone. But I was too blinded by the fact that I had to blame him for the SI with every fiber in my being. God, I am such a judgemental bitch.

Zayn rubs his eyes, looking at me before recomposing himself. He simply nods at Harry.

"We'll go get her now," Harry says.

"But, how can you when Des knows that you were the one who shot his hand?" Zayn asks, his deep voice faltering slightly and cracking. He truly does love Perrie... and I was too much of a bitch to notice it, be blinded by it.

"I will convince him, any thing for you mate," Harry says. "Go... get some rest or something." And like that, Zayn is out of sight.

"You're leaving?" I ask, looking up at him. My leg feels quite numb as if it is made of jello.

Harry sighs. He walks towards me, crouching down to my eye level. He caresses my cheek lightly with his nimble fingers. "Love, I need to find Perrie and get her back. You know how much love Zayn puts into that woman. He can't live without her. And he's my best mate. I won't let him be heartbroken."

"She's gone..." I whisper mostly to myself. I look to my hands as they clench into fists. I should not have let her go outside... I should have talked to her and tell her to go back to sleep. But I was being stupid, like always.

"Jade, we'll find her. I'll find her. And you need to stay here," Harry says and my head perks up, my ears alert.

"No, absolutely not," I say while shaking my head.

He sighs. "Jade-"

"No! I'm not going to let her get away! I won't let Des hurt her! I am not going to sit around at the sidelines and watch you do all of the work. I am done with not doing things on my own. Perrie is my sister, and I will not let my sister get hurt because of my selfish, stupid actions," I say sternly. My brain is pounding against my skull and I feel so lethargic.

"Jade, please. I can't let you get hurt. You are injured. I don't even think you can hardly fucking walk. Use your goddamn head, Jade!" Harry says, getting frustrated. But I do not give a fuck about his frustration.

"No, I will not let a measly wound get in my way to help Perrie. I will not do nothing. I refuse to let you do all the work!" I say, my voice building up in sound.


"No! Why won't you let me come? Do you think I'm weak or something?! After everything do you really fucking think that I will let you do everything?! I am a woman and it seems like you are questioning my capability to do things," I say with a huff. Dammit, he is so fucking annoying sometimes!

Harry sighs, putting his head to his hands while rubbing circles over his forehead. He looks up. "Fine. I'll let you come. But only if you can walk or even limp."

I grin widely as he helps me to my feet. I brush his hands away from my body as I walk into a straight line.

My legs aches, but the pain from the beginning has vanished. The pain is sporadic, occasional. It will not keep me from helping Perrie.

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