Chapter 12

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∞ Chapter 12 ∞

"Jade, come on! You have been in that room since last night! Its two PM already! You need to come out!" I hear Gemma yell from the bottom of the stairs. As usual, my face is glued to the pillow as the tears stream down my face. It's been a couple of hours since the incident at the SI. I haven't gotten out of my bedroom the whole time, not to use the bathroom or to get anything to eat.

"I don't want to!" I yell back, lifting my head shortly before falling back on the pillow. God, why do you hate me?

I hear a few mumbles and some footfalls going up the stairs, leading to this room. I am assuming it is probably Gemma and Anne like always but I'm surprised when I hear a raspy voice instead.

"Jade?" the raspy voice calls out. I lift my head, twisting my body so I can see the Curly Haired Bitch leaning against the doorframe.

"What do you want?" I ask him, the hatred in my voice being evident as always when it comes to this bitch. He rolls his eyes at me. But he stops when he scrunches his brows together as his eyes are focusing on my face.

"Were you crying?" he asks me. I look away from him, wiping my eyes roughly before placing my head back onto the pillow.

"No I wasn't," I grumble, holding back any more tears that come of my eyes. I hear him move closer to me. Normally I would have punched him by now but I have no energy or stamina to do so.

His actions surprise me when he grabs me by the hips, turning me over. He pulls me upright, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking straight at me. I look away, avoiding his eye contact because I know how red and swollen my eyes look right now from all of the crying.

"Okay, now I know you want some sappy speech of how you and Penny are best friends but I'm not here for that," he says, rolling his eyes at the thought of a sappy speech.

"First of all, I don't care what you have to say and secondly, her name is... oh forget it," I say, sighing in exasperation.

"Look, I do not need you moping around over Penelope –or whatever the fuck her name is. So gain your confidence or whatever and get out of this room for fucks sake," Harry says. Normally I would yell at him or beat him up but I just stare at him. He sighs. "But also, I know you are upset that Zayn and Paris are in love. I know you think he is just taking advantage of her but I know him. He has never felt so strongly about someone. Every time I saw him, he would ramble on how Pearl is gorgeous, amazing, perfect and whatever. He never rambles about anything that is for sure. He is a quiet, mysterious guy that hardly ever opens up to anyone. This is the first time I have ever heard him talk about his thoughts. I know you still may not be convinced that Zayn and Perez are in love, but love does crazy things to you. It makes you forget about your family and the ones you care about. So let them be together and get out of that bed." my jaw drops open from the Curly Haired Bitch's speech and the fact that he knows that many names that start with the letter 'P'.

"Wait, you know that Zayn and Perrie are in love and together?" I ask him. I thought that he would have lost his shit or something when/if he found out.

"Yes, I knew he was infatuated with Persephone since the first time he saw her. I never thought he would feel so strong for her but I kind of expected it. I tried to make him forget about her since he should not be in a relationship because it would just distract him. But of course he fell for Paisley and I told him that he could not be with her. He literally beat the shit out of me when I told him. I will let him be with her... for now," he says, shrugging his shoulders. He stands up, looking down at me. "Now get the hell out of this room. And clean your face, you look like shit."

"Oh shut the fuck up, you dick," I hiss, glaring at him immediately. Even if he did say that whole speech, it won't lessen the hatred I feel for him.

He just smirks, raising his middle finger at me before leaving the room. I scoff at his gesture, leaning back on the headboard of the bed.

Even if Zayn 'truly love Perrie' –like the Curly Haired Bitch had said –that's not the reason why I am pissed at her. I am pissed because she put a fucking guy in front of her friends and all of the women. Then she decided to throw in that no one loves me. Now that, that hurt more than a fucking rug burn –and they hurt like fuck.

I get out of bed, deciding to freshen up in the bathroom before going down the stairs.

"You're awake! And you're out of your room!" Gemma exclaims, holding her plate with her breakfast on it. As usual, I have no idea what the foods are.

"Yeah, yeah. Big surprise," I mumble, running my hand through my hair. Anne smiles at me, putting her hand on my shoulder in reassurance.

"I know you and Perrie had a big fight. But she'll come around, all friends do!" Anne says a big grin on her face. I smile at her appreciation in wanting to make me happy.

"Thanks, Anne. I don't think she'll come around. Not this time. But, I'm... sort of all right," I say with a shrug. Anne nods, grabbing the usual papers from the drawer before walking out of the room. I've said it many times before and I will keep saying it: the poor woman...

"So, I didn't tell mum what happened with you and Perrie. She has a lot on her head with bills and everything so I didn't want it overwhelming her," Gemma says and I nod, not wanting to think about the whole thing for another minute. "I also didn't tell her that we are going into the city today. That would overwhelm her as well."

"Speaking of which, did you get Lucy and Lindsay to do what I told them to?" I ask Gemma. While I was moping in my room, I asked Gemma if she could get Lucy and Lindsay to order millions and billions of army wear for all of the women to wear when we go to the city. Gemma said she would talk to them.

"Yes I did. They even managed to get the women from the Building to attend even your other friends," she says and my eyes widen.

"Eleanor, Jesy and Leigh-Anne?" I yelp and she nods.

"They told them exactly what you told me to tell them if they saw the girls," Gemma says, making me take a while to untangle her words. I asked for Gemma to tell Lucy and Lindsay some other things to make this 'meet-up' in the center of the city a success.

"They read the words and everything? They got the clothes as well right?" I ask her, making sure that everything for my plan is falling into place.

"Yes, they did. Everything will be fine! I'll be there as well to support you, Jade. This thing will be on the news! So every man on earth will see you," Gemma says, smiling at me. I smile back at her. I glance at the clock, thinking when it is time to get to the city.

Gemma's walkie-talkie makes some noises, voices coming through the speaker. She pulls the device up to her ear, responding back.

"Okay, we're coming," she says and then turns to me. "The women are nearly there. We have to get ready and then we have to get there soon."

"Shit, they're almost there?! Come on! We have to get ready!" I exclaim, grabbing her wrist and pulling her up the stairs. I drag her into my bedroom. Gemma throws the doors of the closet open, pulling out the clothes for me to wear today.

"Wear these," she says, throwing the clothes at me. I quickly put the clothes on. It is a velvet colored shirt that reveals my stomach with an army printed long-sleeved shirt over it. The army top covers above my navel. Velvet leather skinny jeans cover my legs, black boots on my feet.

Gemma quickly changes into her clothes as well which is a white t-shirt with an army printed jacket and black skinny jeans. Black boots cover her feet as well.

"Gemma, this top doesn't cover my upper body entirely," I say in disappointment, gesturing to the army top.

"It's all right! We need to get out there quickly," she says. She pushes me down onto a chair, brushing through my hair, leaving it out. She swipes two black streaks on either of my cheeks. She claims that it makes me look fierce. She applies the black streaks as well on her cheeks.

"Let's go, come on!" Gemma exclaims, grabbing my arm and running down the stairs. We run out the door and into her car. She pulls out of the driveway, speeding off to the center of the city.

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