Chapter 19

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∞ Chapter 19 ∞

My hands curl into fists as I bite the inside of my cheek.

She brushes her locks away from her face. I wish I could rip those locks out of her goddamn head.

"Jade," she says.

She approaches me cautiously, only causing me to back away.

"What the fuck do you want?" I say curtly.

"Jade, what I said before. I'm sorry," she murmurs.

I laugh humorlessly. "Sorry? You're fucking sorry?! You told me that no one loves me, no will love me. But I don't give a fuck of what you think about me. I am who I am. If you can't accept me for me then fuck off. Do you think I care that no one loves me? I know no one loves me! I need people more than they need me. So just don't fucking talk to me!"

She flinches at my swears but I do not give a flying fuck. "Jade, I love-"

"I don't care if you love him," I say sharply. "Where is Loverboy anyways? Did he leave you to fuck another woman? I figured that would happen."

Her fists clench at my taunting words. "You know what. I meant every word I said. No one does love you! Everyone hates you! You're just a stick in the mud that no one wants; shitty. I at least have Zayn, you have no one. On top of that, you're a Slut. You're a fucking Whore and you will always be. For all I know, you must be fucking Master Harry and pretending that you hate him! No one loves you, you fucking Whore!"

Immediately, her hands go to her dropped jaw.

The words hurt like a bitch. How the fuck am I a Whore? Its not like I am sleeping around or something.

"Jade I-"

"Save it," I say, inhaling sharply. I walk towards her. My fists grabs her collar. By now, Candy is not in the room. "If I ever see your fucking face again, I will beat the fucking shit out of you. Regarding what your Loverboy has to say or do."

I shove her to the side, walking out the door and sitting onto the porch.

I bite my lip, refusing to cry. I will not cry, I am not weak. I control my breathing, taking in deep breaths.

Why the fuck does she hate me? What have I ever done to her. She is the bad guy in this situation. So why do I feel like I am the bad guy?

I sigh, looking over to the side to see a lighter and a pack of cigarettes. Without thinking, I take the lighter and one cigarette. Lighting the item, I bring it to my lips and inhale. I exhale, a puff of smoke releasing from my lips which are now in an 'o' shape.

"I did not expect for you to be a smoking type of girl," a husky voice says.

I turn around to see the Curly Haired Bitch standing there. I turn back around, the cigarette hanging loosely at the corner of my lips.

"Why do you give a fuck about me?" I say and he seats himself next to me. Did I ask him to sit next to me?

"I just came here because Zayn had to take care of Paige," he says. "Hand me one."

I toss the pack and lighter to his chest which he effortlessly catches.

"Is she crying?" I ask him and he nods.

"Big bitchy baby," both of us mumble in unison.

I chuckle and he smirks. "You know what they say 'Great Minds Think Alike'."

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