Chapter 40 FINALE

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I TOTALLY FORGOT @showtimeXX MADE TWO BANNERS FOR ME! One of them is on the side! --->

» Chapter 40 «

My breath hitches in my throat, everything in motion stopping as this moment stops as well.

"What?" Harry and I say in almost perfect unison.

Anne just holds the same smirk, similar to Des's. Her husband.

"I thought it was pretty clear," she says with a shrug.

"I'm just surprised that they never saw it coming," Des says with a sly smirk.

"How long?" Harry says, his breathing becoming ragged as he almost chokes on the words.

"How long what?" Anne asks curtly.

"How long have you been stabbing us in the back?" Harry snaps. The man holding him down applies more pressure and force onto Harry's arms, pushing the gun to his face in a threatening way.

Anne chuckles, crossing her arms over her chest. "It wouldn't be called 'stabbing you in the back' if I was never on your side."

"How could you do this, Anne? To me, to your children, to everyone?" I ask in disbelief. My arms ache, my wrists burning. I wince every time Niall digs my own elbow into my spine.

Anne just shrugs as if it is the most easy thing in the world. It is not. "Well, I might as well start from the beginning, where it all happened. Anyways, I met Des at a young age and got married to him at twenty which is at most, a pretty young age to get married. We were both people with dominance running in our veins. We always butted heads but when our minds meld, our creation could be amazing.

"Anyways, Gemma came along, Harry three years after. I was just... bored. I missed being independent and having control over things. I hated the way society had come to, becoming disgusting people. So, I spoke privately with Des and he manipulated Harry into doing what he did. And I'm sure you what that is, the whole 'separating women thing.'"

"Wait, if you hated the way society had become to be putrid, why didn't you do something for the better of the world?" Harry asks, wincing when the man pushes the barrel of his gun to Harry's forehead just for laughs.

"Well, I did do something for the better of the world," Anne says in a authoritative tone. "I --along with Des --locked away all of the women and isolated them from the men."

"How is that a solution?" I ask. With every word that comes out of Anne's mouth, more confusion stirs in my head. But one word, one question stays in my mind: why?

"Well, you see little Jade," Anne says, smirking when she notices my nostrils flare in anger. She did not just fucking go there. "Women were beating other women down and it just led to chaos. Men just stayed to the side and watched and conversed about sports. That's literally all they did. Women were the problem. Women are taught to see each other as competitors not as people, not as human beings. Women think it's okay to bring other women down when it is absolutely not."

"But isolating women from the world is not the right solution," I retort. "You could have tried something else, gathered the women together, spoke to them. Something to negotiate with them."

Anne rolls her eyes. "Yeah, like I have the time to speak to every single woman in the world."

"Yet you have the time to lock every woman up," I snap. Niall smacks my arm but I barely feel it. Harry breathes unevenly, staring Niall down. I know he wants to say something but we both have guns to our heads. Literally.

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