AUTHOR'S NOTE (New Readers Ignore)

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So my updating times have been irregular for a while. I used to update within days but now I only update once every week pretty much.

The reason behind this was because for the past nine months, I have been pregnant. I know it may sound too soon to be pregnant but I wasn't in a good place a couple of months ago and my therapist suggested that having a baby would make my life more brighter and being me even closer to my husband.

Saying this, I went into labor just yesterday. I was supposed to be due tomorrow but I came earlier haha. And now, I have two beautiful twin babies (a boy and a girl) named Nicola and Listan Legaspi.

I am still at the hospital as we speak and I will be out in about two hours.

Saying this, my updates will probably be even more irregular (and I apologise in advance for this!) because of the babies obviously. BUT I will try to update with every chance I get! But, I will be a stay-at-home-mum for about four years to be with my babies, meaning a lot more updates to come!

I just wanted you all to know this to allow your questions of "Why hasn't she updated yet?" to be answered.

I honestly love you all so much for all of the support you have given me and I couldn't have asked for better readers than you all.


Lola-Rae Legaspi xxx

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