Chapter 1

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∞ Chapter 1 ∞

"Slut, move over," the officer snarls at me, pushing me to the side inside of the white van. I roll my eyes at him. Jesy, Perrie, Leigh-Anne, Eleanor and I have been inside this hellhole for about three hours, just to reach the airport. I mean, wherever the hell this so called 'London' is must be is definitely far away. One of the officers —bitches —said something about the place being in 'England'... what the hell is that?

Most of the bitches are asleep, leaving the girls and I wide-awake.

"What are we going to do?" Eleanor asks, placing her head on my shoulder. "We've never been Chosen."

"Usually they just call our names, not assign us automatically," Jesy says. Out of all of us, Jesy has been in the Salute Institution (SI) the longest. Now at the age of twenty-four, she was admitted into the SI when she was two years old. Leigh-Anne was admitted when she was four, now being twenty-four as well. Eleanor was admitted along with me. Our families are close and we are just four months apart from age. Perrie being the youngest at the age of twenty was admitted when she was five.

"But why did Styles Choose you, Jade?" Leigh-Anne asks.

"He's never Chosen anyone and he's the creator behind the SI," Perrie says.

"I don't know," I say with a sigh.

"Just be careful, I know you want to run your mouth because this whole thing is bullshit. But we just can't risk that, Jade," Jesy says with a stern look. I roll my eyes and cross my hands over my chest. I am still in this stupid, orange jumpsuit and I want to rip it off. But I have nothing else for clothes.

"Well, at least they actually give us actual food and clothes," Perrie says with a shrug. "Mary Anne said when Regina left; she got shit loads of junk."

"How is Mary Anne supposed to know that?" Eleanor asks with a raised brow. You see, once the women are shipped to their 'owner', they stay with them until the 'owner' does not want them anymore. That normally doesn't happen because those pieces of shit people call men want pleasure all day, all night. But if it does happen, the women would be shipped to another Institution but still part of the SI.

"I don't know, she's a lying bastard anyways," Perrie says. The van hits another rocky bump in the road and the van jerks forward. Eleanor and I fall to the floor along with the rest of the girls. We all groan, rubbing our heads. The bitches in the front of the van snicker and I roll my eyes.

The back door of the van opens and two bitches hold our handcuffs by the chain. The other girls wince at the pain and pressure as they pull and prod at our chains. I just sigh and follow the bitches as they take us to the –mind I say –very large airport. Having to never leave the SI, this place is overwhelming. There is not one woman who is freely hanging around the stores, unless they are in orange with handcuffs. Some men wolf whistle at the girls and I. As we walk past them, some slap our bums and mumble to each other saying how 'I wish they were mine, bro.'

What do I think of this you ask?

It makes me feel so disgusted. It makes me feel horrendous to call myself a woman. We are not toys men can just play with and throw out, like how little girls would do —before the SI —with their Barbie's.

And, when the men are 'done with us', they end up making the women pregnant. If the baby is a girl, they end her life. If it is a boy, they keep it. That's just absolutely sick! Disgusting. Horrendous. Horrible. 'Master' Harry Styles is just deciding to end the life of future girls and women in a snap of his stupid fucking fingers!

We are just human! What makes him decide to do this? Who does he think he is to decide this all? He was only two fucking years old when he decided to add that 'Women should all stay Prostitutes and end any new lives of feminine babies' to the Law? Well his father is pretty much the 'ruler of the world' —or whatever you call it —so Mister Styles can do whatever the hell he wants.

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