Imagine 5 (rainy days)

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It was a rainy day in the glade so Alby said that everyone could have the day off. You and Newt were in his hut, cuddling in bed: his arms wrapped around your waist, your head on his chest and legs tangled up with each other's. You were laying there for a while until you got a bit bored.


"Yes love?"

"I'm bored as shuck." You pout.

Newt chuckles. "Well, what do you wanna do then?"

You look up at Newt, giving him puppy eyes. "I wanna go outside." You say softly.

Newt looks down at you. "But love, it's raining. We're gonna catch a cold if we go out." He laughs and kisses the top of your head.

You sit up. "Please??" You start whining and pouting.

"No. We're gonna get sick!" Newt said sternly.

You get out of bed and put your shoes on. "So? We can be sick together." You say with a teasing smile on your face.

Newt sits up and hangs his legs over the edge of the bed. After putting on your shoes, you walk up to him and stand in between his legs. You put your hands on his shoulders and he puts his hands on your waist.

"Please Newtie?" You give him puppy eyes again. "It will be fun!" You say excitedly.

"Ugh fine. Just for you shebean." Newt smiles and puts on his shoes.

"Yay!" You kiss the top of his head and run outside.

Newt runs after you and your both spinning and dancing in the rain (even though there's no music😂). All the gladers are standing under shelter, looking at the two of you having fun.
Newt pulls you into a long, passionate kiss. You pull away and look into his deep brown eyes. His hair was dripping down his forehead. You move it away with your hand and cup his cheek.

"I love you so much!" You say and kiss him again.

Newt pulls away after a few seconds. "I love you too."

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