Imagine 13 (sleeping together)

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It was night time in the Glade and everyone has gone to bed. Newt and Alby were doing their last minute checks of the Glade before heading to their huts as well.

You were fast asleep in your bed until you suddenly woke up randomly. It was probably past midnight at this point. You closed your eyes again trying to get back to sleep but you couldn't.

Then you remembered that Newt said you can go over to his hut whenever you couldn't sleep. Ever since you came up in the box, you have never been able to sleep properly because of nightmares and stuff, so Newt said he'd leave his hut door unlocked for you to go into whenever you wanted.

You get out of bed, put your shoes on and leave your hut, closing the door behind you and walk over to Newt's. You carefully open the door, and then close it, locking it this time. You tried to be as quiet as possible since you didn't want to wake him up.

As you were taking off your shoes, you see Newt sleeping soundly on the side of the bed, facing the wall. You tiptoe over to the bed and lift the sheets and slide in next to him. You lay on your side, your back facing Newt's back and close your eyes. Just as you were about to fall asleep, you feel the bed move.

"Y/N?" Newt says sleepily.

You turn around and see Newt facing you.

"I'm sorry for waking you up." You whisper.

"No, no, it's fine. Are you okay?" He asks quietly.

"I think so..." you reply. "I was asleep and then I suddenly woke up and I couldn't get back to sleep again." You shrug.

Newt reaches his hand over and strokes your hair. "You didn't have a nightmare did you?"

"No I don't think so."

"Okay, good..." he whispers.

"I really am sorry for waking you."

"Y/N, it's fine..." he chuckles quietly.

"Okay..." you whisper.

You both look into each other's eyes for a few minutes until Newt turns onto his back and puts his arm out.

"Come here, love."

You shift closer to Newt and put your head on his bare chest. Newt wraps both of his arms around you tightly; one hand goes in your hair, stroking it, and the other rubs your back up and down soothingly. You put your arm across his stomach and you leg on top of his. You kiss his chest and then move up a bit, so your head was in the crook of his neck.

"Good night, Newt..." you whisper.

"Good night, love..." he whispers back and kisses your head.

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