Imagine 11 (drunk)

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It was another bonfire in the Glade. You were sitting away from the guys, leaning against a log, facing away from the bonfire and looking out into the distance until someone came and sat next to you.

"Hello, love!" Newt says charmingly.

"Why hello there, Newt." You giggle. From the way he sounded, you knew he was drunk.

"You... look... gorgeous." He taps your nose lightly.

"And you... are... drunk." This time you tap his nose lightly and take his empty jar of Gally's drink from him.

"Y/N... I was drinking that!" He pouts.

You roll your eyes playfully. "It's empty, Newt." You put the jar on the floor. "Come on." You stand up and pull him up too. Newt stumbles slightly, so you put his arm across your shoulder and you put your arm around his waist from the back to keep him from falling. "Let's get you to bed."

"It's cuddle time?" Newt asks in a childish voice.

You laugh. "Yes it's cuddle time."

You both slowly walk back to Newt's hut. You close the door behind you with your foot and sit Newt on his bed. You take off his clothes and shoes.

"Mmm... you're the best!" Newt slurs, resting his head on your stomach and wrapping his arms around your thighs.

"So are you." You comb your fingers through his hair and kiss the top of his head. "Lay down, baby."

As Newt lays down, you take off your shoes and clothes and put on Newt's hoodie, which just reach your thighs since it's quite big.

"Y/N?" Newt laughs. "That's my hoodie, silly."

You get into bed next to him. "I know, but my pyjamas are in my hut and I don't wanna leave you here by yourself.

Newt snuggles up into your side. "You look good in my hoodie anyway." He says, slurring his words. "You should wear it everyday!" He shouts.

"Shhh... go to sleep." You whisper.

He rests his head on your chest. "Love?"

"What is it?"

"You're my love, my one true love, the person I will always love." He whispers. "You're my girl and I love you..." he pecks your neck.

You smile to yourself. Even though Newt is drunk he still knows what he does and says, well most of the time. You wrap your arms around his body tightly.

"I love you so much, Newt. Forever and always..." you whisper and kiss the top of his head.

"Forever and always..." Newt repeats.

Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now