Imagine 7 (the truth)

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~long story~
Newt's POV:
It has been a year since Y/N and I have started dating and things have been great. Except, I kept something really important from her and I think she deserves to know.
I see her in the gardens with Zart and some other track-hoes so I walk up to her.

"Hey, love. Can I talk to you please? It's really important?" I ask her with a worried look on my face. I'm pretty sure she noticed, because she frowned instantly.

"Uh... yeah sure." She replies softly. She turns to look at Zart. "I'll see you later, Zart."

"See ya, Y/N." Zart says and continues working.

I take Y/N's hand and squeeze it a little; she definitely knows something's up with me. As we enter my hut, I immediately let go of her hand and sit on my bed, playing with my fingers. Y/N shut the door and sat next to me.

"Newt, what's wrong?" she asks. I can hear how worried she was.

"I uh- I need to tell you something. And I've kept it from you for a while now and I realised that I need to tell you sooner than later." I look at her, debating whether or not I should carry on.

"Go on..." she says, slightly concerned.

"Have you ever wondered how I got my limp?"

"Well... no not really."

"Okay... well, basically when I came up in the box, I was just like everyone else. I didn't know who I was, where I was, you know?"

Y/N nods her head as I carry on.

"I honestly just felt empty, like something was missing. And I- I just couldn't have that." I hadn't realised I had tears forming in my eyes until I looked down at my hands and noticed that my vision was blurry.

"I also started developing these bloody panic attacks, so that wasn't really helpful either." I looked at Y/N, as she took my hands in hers.

"I realised I just had enough. So one morning I got up early, and when the doors opened I ran into the maze and found the tallest wall I could." Y/N held my hands tightly as if she knows what I'm gonna say next.

"I climbed up there and I- I jumped off it." A tear slips down my cheek. Y/N gasped and when I looked at her, I noticed she had tears falling from her eyes too.

Y/N's POV:
I couldn't believe what I heard. Newt tried to... kill himself?

"I thought that was it for me." He carried on. "Of course I was caught up in all the ivy. Snapped my leg in three different places... like a proper shank." He chucked quietly.

I laughed quietly with him too, but stopped straight away as I still felt the tears fall down my cheeks. Newt started stroking my knuckles.

"And then Minho found me... somehow. And he carried me all the way back to the Glade. And we never told anyone the truth about what happened that day." He let go of your hands and wiped his tears away. "Well only Minho, Alby and now you know the truth about my limp."

Second Person POV:
You were shocked. The love of your life tried to kill himself and all you can think about is what if he was actually gone.

"Newt, I-" you whisper.

"You don't have to say anything, love." He interrupts you. "I just wanted you to know."

You pull him into a hug and you cry into his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry you went through that, Newt." you sobbed.

"Shhh I'm okay now, Y/N. I'm here right now." Newt said, his voice slightly cracking.

Newt pulled out of the hug and lifted your chin gently with his two fingers to make you look at him. Both your's and Newt's eyes were a bit red and wet.

"I promise you, my love. I'm never ever gonna think about jumping again." He brings his hands to your cheeks and wipes your tears away with his thumb.

"And I promise I'll be there for you whenever you have a panic attack and you ever feel like this again." you say.

"Well I doubt I'd ever feel like that again. You make me so happy in this bloody maze. You're honestly the best thing that has ever happened to me!" Newt says happily.

You rest your forehead on his and close your eyes.

"I love you, Newt." You whisper.

"I love you too, my love." He whispers back.

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