Chapter 4

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Zayn was currently in his bedroom, laying down with his eyes shut as he let the beat of a song take over. He could hear Niall giving a lecture but had given up on understanding with how fast he was talking minutes in. It was only when he got kicked in the shin that he sat up, letting out a yelp and glowering at Louis.

"Listen, Bradford boy, we've got an address, a time, we just need a how. Do we go by bus? By train? We can't walk there, it would take too damn long but if any of us have a car it would be great cos well, we'd still have to walk from the nearest bus stop or train station. These two have no vehicles available and neither do I so got anything?"

"Well... We could take my sister's. When she comes back from work." Niall's face broke out into a grin and he cheered.

"Yes, awesome, I like you. Valuable addition to the team. The plan has come together. By the way, got food?"

"Uh... Kitchen. There's some chips in one of the cupboards so-" he had already left the room as Zayn finished, "knock yourself out...? He's a little intense, huh?"

"As if you don't get intense when you're talking about superheroes. He's Irish, okay? They do not fuck with their alcohol. Just go with it. Once he gets food in his system, he'll be a total baby, you'll see."

And Harry was right. Some minutes later, he was still chatting with Niall while the lovebirds stayed in their own private little world. Niall was actually really easygoing but the moment he heard the door bell ring, he ws up on his feet instantly and ran to get it before the others could stop him and remind him that this wasn't even his house. Doniya let out a shrill scream and Zayn heard a thump and a loud "oww", rushing down the stairs.

"Donny, wait, he-" but she was already holding her purse up to hit him again and Niall pouted, running into Harry's arms.

"There there, you total idiot, there there."

"Oi, fuck you Louis, you aren't helping."

"When did I say I wanted to help? Eww. It's either mock sympathy or plain laughter, pick one."

"Zayn, who the hell are these guys? You could've told me you were having friends over, huh?"

"Ah. Shit. Right. I honestly forgot."

She sighed. She knew about his ADHD and he did look genuinely guilty, giving Niall a little pat on the back. She just shook her head at him in amusement when he mouthed a "sorry" to her, looking at her guests.

"It's nice to meet you boys. And I'm really, really sorry for smacking you in the head but can you really blame me... Uh..."

"He's Niall. I'm Harry, this is Louis and well, you've already met Zayn."

"Harry? Huh. You knew a Harry, right?" Zayn cleared his throat and she nodded slowly. "Same Harry? Huh
What a coincidence. Or maybe just fate. And he's found himself a boyfriend, how sweet. Well, I'm glad you have friends, you antisocial idiot."

"Oh- Lou and I aren't-"

"Thanks, Doniya, it was nice to meet you." She nodded at Louis, sighing when Zayn said he needed a favour and followed her.

"I'm bloody exhausted, Zayn, fuck off-"

"This'll only take a sec! We need the car, sis, pretty please!"

Once they'd both left, Harry turned to Louis and gave his chest a light push, pouting at him. "Lou, why didn't you let me tell her? That we're not... Ya know... Dating? She's gonna think-"

"I didn't let you because it's not true. Or rather, I don't want it to be true, anymore." Harry blinked at him and he sighed. "I swear to God, Styles- I'm asking you to be my boyfriend, alright? The full deal. Official and everything. At this point we've cuddled and fucked enough times to be a married couple so... Whaddaya say? Wanna do this?"

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