Chapter 12

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"How dare that fucking bitch?! How dare she?! And how dare he, even?! Fucking Liam had to be the good boy as always and let people walk over him. I'm so fucking angry now, the hell am I supposed to do with all this rage?"

"I dunno. You're a footballer, mate, figure it out." That was the first thing Zayn had said since it happened. They were all outside on the green, wanting to stay away from people so the cafeteria had to be avoided. He stayed quiet again, head lowered but another lone tear slipped down his face and Louis swore under his breath, getting up on his feet and kicking the tree in front of them.

Harry let Zayn go when he saw Louis was getting too into it, struggling between trying to help both of them and trying to process his own emotions. Everything just felt crazy. He didn't know what to do with it.

"Guys? I'm gonna skip, today."

"We'll join you, Malik. Fuck this shitty place. Only thing good about it is the fucking football field, everyone here's just a shithead. Let's go-"

"Zayn...? Maybe think things through a bit, first. Control the impulses. I want you to be a bit more steady and in control before we leave."


"Why should he be in control? Fuck it. We should go impulsive. We can fuck with that bitch's car or Liam's football uniform. They need to pay."

"Umm... I'm all for being mad and all but calm down, maybe? I don't mind a prank now and then but with that look on your face, I feel like you want to break her windows and tear all of Liam's sportswear to shreds."

"Yes, and?"

"Zayn wouldn't do that. Besides... Liam kinda dealt with quite a bit already, didn't he? Not saying he should be forgiven instantly but take into consideration the way his girlfriend is, too."

"What the hell are you even saying, Curly?"

"Are you sure he even said... that word? Maybe he meant fucker. Or fishhead. You Philistine? Pretty sure that was an insult at some point in history. Or maybe that was secondary school Shakespeare, I dunno."

"You're seriously taking his side right now Harry? You're the one who said he was probably a homophobic straggot in the first place," Zayn said finally, his voice rough around the edges from emotion. Harry gazed at him and took his hands, staring at him carefully.

"That was before I saw you two together. And before I saw how unhappy he looked about this whole situation. I'm just worried... Because I know you, Zayn. When things happen, you like to use the slightest excuse as a way to run and leave. After we broke up, I called it zayning cos you jetted so quick with no explanation and I just... I don't know, I'm worried you're just finding a way to do that again."

"Fuck you. I had my reasons. Just cos I didn't share them with you, it doesn't mean there wasn't a cause."

"You like to self-sabotage. I just want you to reason things out. He seemed genuinely sorry. Don't just throw what you have away so quick. At least give him a chance to win you back."

"Whatever. If you need any sort of boost to forget about him, I am in full support, Zayn."

"Why are you being like this? You saw them together. And also Liam used to be your best friend."

"Yup. Used to. He nearly f-slurred him, Hazz. As long as he doesn't know whether he's a part of the community or not- as long as he used it in that ugly derogatory way, I don't care. He crossed a fucking line. None of that treat people with kindness bullshit is gonna apply here."

"He didn't say it. He almost did. And he said he was sorry!"

"And? Does it look like either of us give a flying fuck?!"

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