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~About A Year Later~

Zayn woke up, immediately feeling the absence of his partner's usual heat. He sat up swiftly, stretching his hands out to grab his phone. There weren't any messages from him. That was weird. He sighed softly and ran a hand over Liam's side of the bed, biting his lip for a moment before he grabbed his pillow and hugged it close. He was being a simp, as per usual, but it was really hard to not wake up with his teddy bear next to him after he'd promised they would spend his entire day off work together.

Liam was a full-fledged firefighter, now. While he could have chosen to go for the shorter shifts, he didn't see why he would when there could be people in need at that time. Zayn was pretty sure he should be reason enough but he knew how happy Liam felt being able to help so many, so he got used to not seeing Liam for the entire weekend, which he said was when people got the most reckless. He got used to his friends being out on dates while he'd spend the whole day drawing or at work to combat his impatience to see his boyfriend, again.

Like they'd discussed all those months ago, Zayn took over the comic store. And working in Stan's memory, he painted a large Stan Lee with many of the Avengers hovering around him. People came from far and wide to see it but whenever he or Liam passed by that wall, they knew it meant so much more than that. Underneath were two plaques, one saying R.I.P. Stan Lee and one saying R.I.P. Stanley, the two men who had impacted their lives immensely and brought them together.

The painting gained a lot of traction. So much that they were discussing expanding the store, now. Not only did people come for the comics, they also came to see and commission Zayn's artwork. Not thinking much of it, he had so many recommend he showed his work on social media that he decided to do it, for fun. And it blew up in mere months, bringing even more people and money in.

He was making bank, doing what he loved. He had the best boyfriend in the world. His friends had forgiven him, too. But Zayn was still mentally ill. And happiness wasn't exactly easy, with him, no matter what. Life was good but he felt he didn't deserve any of it, no matter how many times Liam would hold him close and whisper the sweetest things to him. It felt more like luck, he would say, ignoring the effort he'd put into his art and into mending relationships. He was incredibly loved despite his insecurities, though, and they wouldn't let him forget that.

Once he'd gotten dressed, Zayn moved into the kitchen. To his surprise and utter confusion, Louis and Harry were there. He was surprised they hadn't made any noises but realised Harry had fallen asleep on his husband's lap. Louis gently shook him awake while Zayn just ignored them, not wanting to say anything while he was still feeling cranky from waking and upset at Liam for the sudden disappearance.

Harry smiled up at Louis once he was up and glanced around, gasping when he saw Zayn. The man could only blink when Harry slammed right into him, squeezing him tightly. Harry was always cheery but this seemed a bit extensive, really, especially since Zayn had just woken and probably looked like shit on a stick. "Umm... Good morning to you too, Hazz?"

"Zayn! Zayn, oh my God! It's- I mean- you-"

"And that's why I'm here. Gotta keep this one from pulling a Tom Holland and spilling secrets he shouldn't. Come, love." Harry scrunched up his nose, muttering that he wasn't going to say anything but moved to Louis anyway. They fit each other's arms perfectly and Zayn bitterly thought about Liam again. Liam always filled his thoughts but for the first time in a bit, it wasn't anything lovey-dovey. He was going to pummel the man for leaving him alone with these lovebirds. Speaking of...

"How did you two get in here, anyway?"

"Oh, Liam-"

"Left the door open."

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