Chapter 9

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Liam's house was a sweet, cozy duplex that looked like it had held many memories. The pictures on the walls proved that. Zayn guiltily welled up with jealousy seeing the smiles on these strangers' faces but then Liam squeezed his hand and he focused his attention completely on the wobbly brunette. Liam had stopped walking, picking up one of the photos and sighed.

"His family... It's nothing like this, is it?"

"Most families aren't, mate. Nothing can be done about that." Liam looked at Zayn. His parents had literally kicked him out for his sexuality. He was being insensitive, wasn't he?

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said- I shouldn't have asked you to come in the first place."

"I wanted to come. And if you don't mind, I don't plan on leaving, either." Liam stared at him, rubbing his arm.

"This... Isn't affecting you all that much, is it?"

"It is... It is. Not as much as you. I don't know. It's... Somewhere? I can feel it? Like at the back of my head. But it's not... I find it hard to feel it. I'm not the best at feeling through emotions and all. Maybe it'll hit me later but for now, I wanna be here for you, yeah?"

"Can I... Can we..." Liam glanced up at him, then at his shoes and Zayn took a step forward, cocking his head to the side. Liam didn't speak but slowly wrapped his arms around him. Zayn rose his hands slowly to his hair and neck, giving his temple a gentle peck when Liam sighed shakily. "Thank you. Could you... Come up? That's okay, right?"

"Course. Lead the way." Liam nodded slowly, letting him go and awkwardly shuffled up the stairs. Zayn was surprised at how much emotion he had. But that was only because he couldn't access his own emotions at that moment. To care for the life of a stranger he would likely never meet again to the point that hours later, it was still bothering him? He felt sympathy towards Liam and the kid who were both hurting but it was definitely not on the same level as how Liam felt.

When they got to his bedroom, Zayn looked around. It was plain and simple but gave off a homey vibe, Liam's entire aesthetic, really. He clearly got it from his parents cos the entire house was the same way, nothing too out of the ordinary, just a simple home for a loving family. To an extent, he could remember the daily chaos in his own family home and smiled slightly to himself, wondering how his younger sisters were doing. He wondered what his parents must have told them. Going to college was the obvious excuse, rather than explaining he was thrown out because they couldn't stand having a son who might just fall in love with another man some day.

Liam tugged his hand and Zayn smiled at his shy expression, getting out of his head. The events that led up to this were unfortunate but he did like touchy Liam a lot. He jumped into his bed first and gestured for Liam to come join him, chuckling to himself. The bed wasn't the widest but he was sure they could manage.

Liam slid in next to him, nervously keeping some space between them until Zayn groaned and grabbed his neck, pulling him into his chest. Liam took in a deep breath and smiled to himself, letting his body relax against Zayn's. And if Zayn felt his heart jump when Liam snuggled deeper into him, he certainly wasn't going to mention it. Because there was no way Liam would ever reciprocate feelings like that. He needed a friend right then, nothing else and Zayn was going to be that friend.

"Thank you, Zayn... For following me to the station, for letting me cry, for coming here with me... You're like... The best human ever."

"Well... Anything for you, Leeyum. I live to serve." Liam giggled, flushing when Zayn pressed his lips against his temple one last time before he adjusted a bit and let the tiredness from the search overtake his body.

Zayn wasn't certain what time it was when he woke up. All he knew was that the bed was empty and he was hearing grunting from the room next door. He rose slowly, taking his time to force himself out of the comfy bed. Then he walked to the door, gave a knock and pulled it open.

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