Chapter 16

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"Okay... Ziam, what the hell was that?!" Niall muttered when Liam finally came out of the restrooms, after getting himself composed, that is. His state didn't stay stable for long when Zayn looked up at him through those beautiful long lashes and he sat next to him quietly, flushed and confused.

"Like I've been saying, nothing even happened."

"Did you two make out in the toilet? Why'd it take you so long to come out, Payno?" Louis asked with a slight smirk. Zayn shrugged in reply and Liam shoved him, wondering how long their friends were going to keep the teasing going. Zayn didn't even want him, he realised sadly. Why else wouldn't he kiss him when he had the chance? It was all stupid, wishful thinking. Of course the guy who made him realise he wasn't straight didn't want him. Just another fuck you from life.

"Oh my God, you did. You two are finally dating! It's about fucking time, Li, I can't tell you how much he kept talking about you, he's pretty much already in love at this point but you didn't hear it from me."


"Uh... You two aren't...?"

"No, Harold, we aren't. We didn't make out in the bathroom and we aren't together."

"Ah. I see. Well, fuck. I should listen to people and keep quiet."

"It's not a big deal. We're just best friends who play around a bit, that's all. Right, Liam? A kiss or two won't change how we feel about each other." Zayn leaned close and pecked the corner of his mouth, smiling when Liam swallowed and nodded.

"Yeah. Nope. It won't." Fuck Zayn and the ease with which he could play with his feelings. Liam had half a mind to teach him a lesson. But he forgot all about it when Zayn placed a hand on his thigh and nudged him.

"Liam William Payne? Now that you're free of that bitch, there's something important I have to ask you." Zayn ignored the fact that the boys were all staring at them, finally turning to deadpan at them all. They began to talk amongst themselves and he turned back to Liam who was fidgeting just slightly.

"What is it, Zee?"

"What's something you really, really want to do now that she's no longer your manipulative bitch girlfriend?"

Date you.

Liam ignored his brain with effort, scratching the back of his neck. Zayn seemed really excited but he honestly had no clue. He hadn't thought about it, much. He stared at Zayn and found himself smiling too, despite the fact that his heart had broken just a little. It was stupid to crush on a friend, anyway. And so soon after a break up, too. Just because Zayn had been his awakening, it gave him no right to want to cuddle him and kiss him and call him pet names and-

"I think you need a little help. If it's been years then no wonder you're not sure where to go from here. So how about this? We'll start simple. Ice cream." Liam blinked twice, frightened for a moment. But then he remembered he didn't have to feel any guilt about having something so unhealthy with his girlfriend no longer being his girlfriend and he beamed so hard at Zayn that he completely forgot to breathe for a moment, there.

"Sure. Ice cream sounds... Great."

"Okay. What type?"

"Start off simple? Vanilla?"

"You're fucking adorable. I can't stand it. Fine, the most basic one it is. Just to start, though. You can have as much ice cream as you want now, okay? And if anyone ever tells you different, yourself included, I'll be there in a flash. Lemme go get it." He got up and walked away from their table.

"Oh, wait, Zee! I didn't give you any money-"

"Don't be daft. It's on me. Lemme spoil my baby a little."

The Comic Book Store (z.m)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora