Chapter 14

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Liam looked at himself in the mirror. Honestly, if his parents thought he wasn't straight before, there would be no heterosexual way to explain what he was doing that night. It all started when Stanley innocently suggested they all go to a men only club. But then he and Zayn had managed to take things to the next level from there.

"Sure, Stanley, it's not like we've ever hung out outside of the store anyway so pick your poison."


"I'm serious. Let's all go out. The three of us. We can call it a gentlemen's date or something."

"I swear to God, when you say shit like that with full seriousness, it completely leaves my mind that you're... Well, whatever sexuality you are." Liam rolled his eyes and gave Zayn a shove.

"Alright. I propose a Gentleman's Club for a night with you gents." Zayn blanked, both Liam and Stanley confused when he started laughing. "What? It's a good idea. There's this really nice place not too far from here, we can walk. Fresh air and some drinks. You two are over twenty-one, right?"

"That's not... The problem... It's Liam. God, it's Liam, he has no clue what you mean, Stan...!"

"Oh. Well, that's easy enough. You see, Liam, a Gentleman's club is just one of the little terms for a-"

"Gay bar! Stan wants us to go to a gay bar!" Liam blinked twice and not a second later, his face was burning brightly. Zayn paused between laughs to get a good look at him then shook with laughter again, patting Stanley's arm. "Stan... Have I ever... Told you how much... I love you...?"

"Not nearly enough but how sweet."

"Zayn, shut up. I bet I could attract way more guys there than you ever could, anyway."

"Ha! You didn't even know what a Gentleman's Club is, you sure you've got that much power?"

"I mean... Can't be that hard. Girls and guys, we're all human. Can't be too different from getting girls."

"Uh-huh. Right. You are a true expert of mlm, my friend, true expert."

"Whatever. I'm game." Whatever it took to get Zayn to stop smirking at him like that. He always felt he knew everything, Liam wanted to take him down a peg just once. Zayn arched a brow when Liam huffed, narrowing his eyes back at him. A battle line had been drawn and Stanley was oblivious to it all, buzzing about how this reminded him of when he went to a Gentleman's club with Jack back in the day and had to fend off some homophobic Nazi scum.

"Well, with two handsome boys like you two with me, I'm sure we're going to get some looks. How exciting, I'm gonna go break out my bowtie collection!" The weird tension disippated once Stanley said that and left, both laughing before Zayn called out to him over the counter to ask where and when. Apparently, it was next to a tattoo parlor and both knew the place but Liam never knew the tinted windows of the building next to it was hiding a place like that.

That conversation led to where he was, now. Leaning on a wall, trying not to grimace in the slightest as he got lectured on how to act and what to do by the old man. Even Zayn looked a little uncomfortable so at least, he wasn't alone in that. He couldn't help but wonder if Zayn had ever been to one of these and, if he had, did anyone get hands with him? Did it go farther than that? Stopping that train of thought took the willpower of the gods. He was already dreading it and Stanley was making him feel all the worse.

"Okay. So, in conclusion, be careful alright? Never leave your drink uncovered, males can be sexually assaulted too. And don't go with anyone who you don't want to. Make sure you keep each other in sight, clubs aren't exactly known for a squeaky clean record. All in all, I want you boys to have fun but more than that, be safe."

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