Chapter 8

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Zayn felt like shit. It was just one of those days where nothing was giving him dopamine, not even drawing. He felt like he was going crazy. His eyes were lowered as he walked into school and he didn't even notice Liam, walking past him unknowingly. It was different. Naturally, Liam started to overthink, certain he must have said or done something wrong when he took Zayn home. It ate him up for a while until finally, he decided to reach out.

Leeyum: Malik? You good? You seemed kind of low when you walked into school, today.

Zee: oh... Yeah, I'm good, I guess. I just feel kind of numb and dead, at the moment.

Leeyum: what??

Zee: what? That's the most accurate description. My fingers itch but I can't do anything because everything is stupid and annoying, now.

Leeyum: fuck. I'm worried, now.

Zee: don't be. You know how they call adhd the all-or-nothing condition? Welp. This is a nothing day. And I hate it but hopefully, it won't be for long.

Leeyum: how can I help?

Zee: dude, seriously, don't worry. It's nice to just know you care.

Leeyum: janitor's closet. Tell the teach you need to use the restroom. I'll be waiting =)

Liam stood there for some minutes, turning with relief when he heard the door open. Zayn rose his head slowly to look at him, crumbling when Liam clocked his head to the side, a concerned expression on his face.

"Li, m'so pissed. Why do I have to be neurodivergent, anyway? Fucking DAVE, the bitchass."

"It's part of what makes you you. So I wouldn't have it any other way. Now, come on. There has to be something I can do to cheer you up. Want me to carry you, again?" Zayn looked down, suddenly nervous.

"Shit. I was drunk on tiredness, okay? That's all that was."

"There's nothing wrong with being picked up by a guy, Zayn, don't let the toxic masculinity get you down." Zayn rolled his eyes and the brief moment of seeing him lose his cool faded away. Liam was grinning way too hard and he shoved him, grunting when he barely budged. If Liam had used the same effort he would probably have gotten knocked into a shelf.

"Can you come with me? Somewhere? Anywhere? I just... My brain can't do school, right now, Li."

"I... Well, it's not that I don't want to, it's just- Bailey will have questions- and I've got practice, I never miss practice- and-"

"Cool it, I was just suggesting. It'll be more fun to skip with you, mate but I've got no problem leaving on my own."

Zayn have him a smile and pat Liam's cheek, leaving him standing there in a daze. The smart thing to do was let Zayn go. It's not like he couldn't handle himself well. But Zayn was relatively new in town, he reasoned, and he wasn't in the best heads pace to be left alone persay. If Zayn wanted to go alone, he wouldn't have asked him. So he silenced the voices warning him there would be consequences, leaving it to his future self to figure out as Zayn would say. He caught up and they didn't say another word but there were smiles on their faces.

They were at the comic store. Of course, they could've gone literally anywhere else but they figured they'd finish up what they started. Liam felt even more worried when Zayn did the work as he was meant to with no distraction. His movements were slowed and robotic and Liam had been trying to ignore it but he just wanted Zayn to burst out into a rant about the comic he was holding or get an idea for a drawing and leave him to do it.

"You know, sometimes, I forget how beautiful you are. But then I look up at you and it comes crashing down on me all over again. The world's hottest hottie is my friend, who could've ever imagined?" He didn't know when Zayn started looking at him but when he rose his head, their eyes locked immediately and Zayn smirked as Liam shifted about awkwardly.

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