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Idk. Wanted this book to reach 20 parts which is mostly why I added this intro. But then I added an extra chapter to the end which took out that need. Still, I also wasn't planning to go so hard on this but... Then I had an idea and brain went brr and here we are~

Zayn Malik - The Simper/Simpee

^ Bcos he gots trauma, has a cheeky side, self-esteem isn't exactly on fleek and mental health is gkfnriflsfbwkcn

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^ Bcos he gots trauma, has a cheeky side, self-esteem isn't exactly on fleek and mental health is gkfnriflsfbwkcn

Note: ADHD and anxiété to the xtreme

Is that a comic book store I see...? 🤩
"Not to be a nag but that position is really bad for your posture."
"How can one person be that beautiful...?"
"You're a second away from getting punched in the face."
"That little sh- uh, hi."
"I'm not gonna fuck him, he's not gonna fuck me, no one is fucking anyone, okay?"
"I may or may not have gotten cockblocked by the school bell..."
"Who told my little Zaynie heart to get a crush so damn fast?"
"Either you guys did crack while I was gone or something happened."
"I'm having fun, do you want some, Liam hallucination?"
"I've been feeling like shit for ages!"
"Am I making you nervous..."
"That is not the kind of story you should hear when you're on a trip"
"Gender means squat to me when it comes to love"
"Stupid? Crazy? I'm game. Do it."
"Never smoked pot before, huh?"
"Lima bean, llama, lamp, lesbian-"
"I'm fucking tired, Liam"

Liam Payne - The Simpee/Simper

^ Bcos they like to always what seems right even if it might not necessarily be good for them (except when they decide to break their usual ways for luv 😍), they would do anything for the person above anddd they are goody-good boyz™

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^ Bcos they like to always what seems right even if it might not necessarily be good for them (except when they decide to break their usual ways for luv 😍), they would do anything for the person above anddd they are goody-good boyz™

Note: His platonic bro-ness (which you will see soon) is the definition of homophobia, prove me wrong 😂

"I'm your typical football player, nothing more to see here."
"I have a girlfriend" 🤢🤢🤢
"I'll... See you around, dude."
"You were thinking about me?"
"You can... Let go, now."
"I wish I could be me"
There's something I want to do. Something stupid. Something crazy."
"Zee... You okay?" *Zayn's heart immediately explodes*

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