Chapter 10

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"My parents want you to come over, again. They loved meeting you."

"I see. So you don't plan on telling them how often we hang out in your room then, huh?"

"Hell no, do I look insane to you? They still give me weird looks when I talk about you. If I tell them I've been sneaking you in and out, they're just gonna assume I'm gay and not ready to tell them. I can tell that's what's going through their minds. It's pretty annoying."

"Can't relate but good luck with that. Back when my darling ex used to come over - which was pretty often, by the way - I doubt my parents even let the thought cross their heads that I was into boys."

"Parents need to stop assuming sexualities, really."

"Agreed." Zayn watched him twitch about a bit once a silence settled, smiling softly and placing a hand on his shoulder. "But that's not why you asked me to come, is it?"


"I know. Your football match's today, right?"


"The one Louis should be playing..."

"Yeah. Things got weird with the team when he came out. And then the coach started benching him... He quit on his own but he was basically forced out." Liam swallowed, brows knitted. "I should've done more. I should have fucking done more."

"Yup. But I also know why you didn't. Defending him would've meant trouble with your girl and with the team, I'm guessing."

"At the time, it seemed like a good idea to back off. No one was budging. But I look back some days and wonder what would have been. Maybe she would have broken up with me and I'd have been getting benched but I'd still be friends with Lou. And by extension, Harry and Niall. And you and I wouldn't have to hide away in the janitor's closet like we're secretly fucking or something."

"Well damn, that's the kind of language I like to hear. Say it again, I love hearing you talk dirty to me."

"Zayn, just shut up."

"Here. Have a hug, champ. You'll do great. And I'll be there, as your secret fuck buddy, to cheer you on. Yeah?" Liam bit his lip and nodded, shoving Zayn once he caught him staring at his lips.

"You are such a pervert."

"Well stop being sexy, then! Geez. The nerve of your parents to give you so many good genes, how can I thank them enough for bringing my fantasy to life in your bodily form?" Liam muttered "piss off" with a smile and left. Zayn smiled to himself but did the same some minutes later. Only to get ambushed by his friends in the middle of the hallway.

"Malik! Do you know how unhealthy it is for you to only see your friends during lunch while you go hang out with a guy with a girlfriend practically every day after school?" He rolled his eyes at Louis, scowling when he got smacked at the back of his head.

"Hey, don't take your frustration out on me okay? Go take it out on Harry instead, bet he'd enjoy that." Harry flushed, taking off his shoe and smacking Zayn's head with it.

"Well oww! Niall, you're the only one left... You're not gonna hit me, are you?"

"Course not." And right after that, Niall began to kick his shin, poking his side at the same time. "Why... Won't... You... Give... Me... Updates... About... Ziam...?"

"There is no 'Ziam'. We hang out, that's all. He's got a girlfriend. He's pretty straight."

"I don't know about that second part. You should see the way he looks at you sometimes..." Louis trailed off when the others stared at him wide-eyed, shrugging with a light smirk. "What? I tried to fight against it but Ziam's a really good ship, okay?"

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