Chapter 6

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Liam found his way to Zayn before school started, giving him a discreet nudge. "Hey, should we go to the store together, later?"

"Hmm... Question. Why are we whispering?" Liam rolled his eyes and nodded his head towards a door, letting out a sigh as Zayn joined him in the janitor's closet. "Ooh. Kinky. We could put that plunger to some seriously good use, just so you know-"


"What? You dragged me here!" He kept a straight face for a bit but broke, chuckling as Liam's face got darker. "I'm sorry. You're just so easy to tease. You make it too fun for me and I really need that these days."

Liam smiled slightly and shrugged. Maybe a little teasing wasn't so bad if it made Zayn smile. He looked even better when he did that. From afar, with the clothes he wore, one would think he was a bad boy but then that honey-sweet smile would appear on his face and any perceptions of such a thing would switch completely. "Ugh. Whatever. I only brought you here because I needed to know if you want to ride to the store with me. We've got to get started. Stanley didn't give us a time limit but it's better to do it quickly."

"Damn. Wanna get rid of me so fast? I'm hurt."

"Shut up, Zayn and get going. You'll be late."

"You've got a class, now, too, ya know."

"Yeah, well I don't want anyone to see us come out at the same time. It would be... Weird. People make the craziest assumptions, you know?" Zayn smiled slightly, only just realising that there wasn't much space between them. If he took one bold step forward they would be chest to chest. Liam would be a blushing mess if he did that but he would also freak out because he was all straight and taken, so he opted to nod and leave.

At lunch, he was attacked swiftly by Louis, then by Niall and Harry. How was he supposed to know the footballers were having an early practice and Louis saw them disappear into the janitor's closet while he was sullenly watching them? He sat quietly as they all complained over how he was meant to be avoiding Liam, not going into enclosed spaces with the straight guy he was crushing on. After all that, Zayn gave a comment that only fired them up more.

"Do you think anyone else saw? Also... Did Li get in trouble at practice? I'm guessing he was late."

He really shouldn't have said anything at all. Needless to say, they were all confused at his self-destructive behaviour - other than Niall who obviously sided with Ziam - and he didn't have the heart to explain how Liam Payne had a literal magnet effect on him because, although that was the truth, he knew they wouldn't be fans of that answer. So he kept quiet and bid his time, slipping away once he got the chance. While the larrents worried on, Niall caught on and sent him an overly done wink which had them both looking at the boy stealthily sneaking away. Before they could say anything, though, he was rushing off to his class.

When the day was done, Zayn groaned out his impatience the moment he saw Liam walking over, hands in pockets. On the other hand, he'd been leaning against the brunette's car, drawing a tree nearby to pass the time. Liam arched a brow at him but Zayn didn't say a word, ducking his head into Liam's chest once he was close enough.

"Uh... Zayn?"

"Shut up. Everyone is annoying. The human race must be destroyed. Shut up."

"Okay...? But I'm human, what are you doing with me?"

"Well... you are simply an exception to the rule. The type of annoying that's cute. Like a golden retriever that wants to play. You'll probably irritate me soon, too but you're also really fucking adorable so... You get to join me in my underground bunker while I blow up the rest."

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