Chapter 15

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Neither Zayn nor Liam brought up the kiss. They acted just as normal as usual over text, teasing each other like true bros and Liam assured himself he didn't care because why would he? It was a drunken, spur of the moment thing... That he wanted Zayn to do to him again and again till he was gasping for oxygen.

They didn't meet up again until it was time to shop and Liam tried to keep his composure. It was just a normal day, hanging out with friends, he thought. But he couldn't handle the flurry of feelings, whatever they were, that erupted in his chest when he saw Zayn outside the comic book store, although his expression slipped for a moment when he noticed the cigarette between his lips.

"Malik, the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Leeyum-" he said with too much enthusiasm, cursing himself. To his surprise, the first thing Liam did was pull the offending object out of his mouth and glare at him.

"When did you start with this?"

"Li, don't even start. It's not a big deal-"

"Is too. I don't see you for two weeks and now all of a sudden I'm back and you're chomping down on cancer sticks?" Zayn reached for his wrist, amused at the dazed expression the brunette sported and took the cigarette back, placing it between his lips where it belonged. Liam had half a mind to pull it right out and replace it with his lips. But he didn't. That fucking death pencil got to be in Zayn Malik's mouth, the lucky bastard. He immediately froze at the thought and flushed, looking up when Zayn touched his chin.

"You alright, love? I'm sorry, I'm only playing with ya... If you want me to, I'll throw it away-"

Liam threw himself into Zayn's arms, letting out a soft hum and it took everything in Zayn not to melt into a puddle in the floor because how. How on earth could a man be this adorable and yet, he couldn't smother him in kisses? It wasn't fucking fair.

"I missed you."

"Fuck. You are the sappiest dude-bro on the planet-"

"Fuck off."

"Hey, missed you too, just so you know. We need to stop missing each other. Spend every day with me from now on, yeah?"

"Have dinner with me, then." Zayn blanked and Liam stuttered, realising what he had said. "I meant like... Like for Christmas... You and your sister... My family really wants you to come."

"Geez why couldn't my family have been so excited about me being with a guy?"

"Shut it. It's not like that. And get that stupid thing out your mouth right now. Now, Zayn." Zayn ignored him the first time, just to see what would happen but he decided to comply the second, a slight smirk on his face having Liam put firmness in his tone. Really, the puppy could smack him across the face and he wouldn't find a single fault with it. That was how bad it was. He still couldn't believe he had kissed those lips...

His eyes darted down but he regained composure when he heard Liam's breath hitch. "I'm not sure I'm the type you should introduce to your family but well, anything for you, my precious little teddy bear."

"M'not little."

"No, babe, you're big and strong and masculine and scary."

"Fuck you, mate."

"Ooh. A fiesty one. Rawr."

They teased each other all the way to the mall. A cab would've saved a lot more time but they preferred to walk. Zayn honestly hadn't realised how late they were until he got smacked in the face with a snowball, stumbling back into Liam who instantly gripped his waist.

"My hero. And then there's the villain of my story, Louis the Terrible. The fuck was that for?" He asked, his tone dry.

"I get that you and your boyfriend needed some alone time but you kept us waiting, you utter idiot." Liam gasped and took a step forward, rubbing the back of his neck. He was basically shielding Zayn and the artist felt a prick of warmth seeing how quick Liam was to defend him when, in all honesty, it was his fault for forgetting they were all to meet at a certain time.

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