~A New Life~

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Y/n's Pov - April 22nd, 2041

I finish reading the fairy tale to the children and then put them to bed. I tuck them in and quietly leave the room. I check the other bedrooms to make sure they're all asleep.

I walk down to Isabella's room to check in with her as she asked me to earlier. I check the pocket watch I kept. It read 9:57 pm. I knock and gently open the door. She is sitting at the desk with a neat stack of files in front of her. She gestures to the chair across from her.

"Tonight, you will memorize all of the information on my lovely 38 children. I'm assuming it won't be nearly as bad as the daily tests you take," She says, sliding them over to me.

I quickly go through the files in about half an hour. I spend the most time on the top three children: Emma, Norman, and Ray. Norman has his intelligence, Emma has her quick learning abilities and athleticism, and Ray has his strategy skills. 

"None of them know yet, do they?" I ask her, suspicious of the top scorers.

"No, none of them have found out." She says, her violet eyes boring into my (e/c) ones intimidatingly.

"She's lying about this. I can tell from her body language and hesitation. I'm guessing it's Ray, Norman, or Emma, as they're the smartest kids here. She knows I can't do anything about it yet though. It's best to keep a low profile for now.." I think as I scan the files once more. 

"Do you mind if I bring these to my room for the night? I'd like to study the information on the children," I ask.

"I don't mind. Bring them back tomorrow morning and don't let any of the children see," She responds. I pick up the files as I go back to my room. My brown boots click quietly as I walk across the old wooden floors. I gently open my door and it lets out a soft creak. I sit at the wooden desk with the files to study them. I write down the behavior I saw them showing today in my notes. Ray's seems to be the most suspicious. I'll have to keep an eye on him to see if he knows. 

"I might not have been able to save my original family, but I still have a chance for this one. I can find out which one knows and then help them with an escape plan. I have plenty of information, so it shouldn't be too hard for me.." I think, finally closing his file. I hide the files in my drawer and head to bed.


I find myself in a dark room, the same familiar feeling as always. I go closer to the blood-stained curtains. I open them to reveal the same image I had been getting every night for the past 5 years now. My friends' lifeless bodies lay across the cold cement ground, their blood pooling around them. Behind me, I hear footsteps of the shadowy figure that seems to always haunt me. It was around 180cm tall (About 5' 10"), so I assumed it couldn't have been our mother or even Isabella for that matter. The only part of it that was visible was half of its right arm. It had what seemed to be a white button-up and a leather glove. It reached out to me. I brace myself, ready to be pulled away or injured.

Instead, it takes my hand gently, similar to how a parent would. It leads me towards the light at the end of the gate. As we get to the light, I begin to see its face, although it's very blurry. I can't make out too many of the features on the person.

"Big sis Y/n, wake up!" "We want to play with you!" I hear as the children pile on top of me. I recognize them as Alicia, Jemima, and Yvette. I pat their heads and uncover myself from the sheets. I put on the black dress/suit{Whichever you're comfortable with.} that I had been given as my uniform and walk with them down to the dining hall. Emma runs past us with a few of her siblings in her arms, the children squealing in excitement.

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