~A Terrible Fate~

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Isabella's Pov - April 23rd, 2041

I watch outside the window as my beloved children play joyfully. Emma, Ray, and Norman all sat underneath the same tree Leslie and I used to. Y/n sits between the three children, conversing with them. I'm hoping they haven't shown any of them the evidence. Speaking of which, I should probably just go and retrieve the files from their room.

I walk down the halls down to their room. I look over to their desk to see the drawer still slightly open and a notebook sitting out on top of it. I get curious and decide to check what they've written. I open the notebook and a piece of loose paper falls out. I pick it up and unfold it. The writing looks much messier and rushed than their usual handwriting. The paper is slightly crumpled and seems to be stained with tears.

"You need to be careful. You're going to be sold to demons who will eat you. Please make an escape plan as soon as you possibly can. I couldn't save my last family, but I still have a chance with you all. There's a large concrete wall and a cliff beyond it. You'll need supplies to climb it, rope should work well enough. I've been told about William Minerva being one of our allies on the outside. He's given us a shelter at location B06-32 and a way to escape this world. Please make it safely, I can't watch anyone else die to the demons." 

That little bitch, they were just here to help them escape! I have to stop them from talking to the children privately, especially any of the higher quality children. I can't even ship them until they're 18 to be an official caregiver or die. Why did they have to send them here? They're going to ruin my reputation and the farms!


~Y/n's Pov~


"I found the notebook."r

"Which one?"

"What do you mean 'which one?' Is there more?" Isabella asks, her violet eyes boring into me.

"Are you concerned about one of my drawings? I'm pretty sure I'm mentally fine. Well, other than the trauma from the farms.."

"You know which one I'm talking about, Y/n." She says, her voice and grip only getting harsher as I avoid the subject. I stay silent.

"Did you tell anyone about the farms, Y/n?"

I don't respond.

She now grabs both of my arms harshly and forces me to turn towards her.

"You didn't let any of the children know, did you, Y/n?"


"You're lying. Your heartbeats going fast and you're avoiding eye contact. Who did you tell, Y/n?"

"Okay, first off, the reason my heart rate sped up and I'm avoiding eye contact is because you're fucking terrifying right now. Secondly, I didn't tell anyone about the farms. Maybe they just figured it out because you're a bad liar and do shit like this when you want answers from someone." I explain, gently pushing her away from my face. She stares at me for a minute with a completely unreadable expression. Tears start to form in her eyes. 

"What are you upset about?" I ask gently, afraid to upset her any further.

"I want my children to be happy for their entire lives, even if it means lying to them. Please, don't make them too stressed out. I may not be able to love them normally, but I still want them to feel like I do. Please, just promise you won't tell any of them, at least until they're about to be shipped," She says, holding her hand out for me to shake. I gently push it away.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. I couldn't save the others, but I'm trying to at least save my new family. I'm helping them escape and destroy this world. Although, if we get the ability to go to the human world, I'll take you with us. You and the children seem to care deeply for each other and I can tell you're a good person down inside. The problem is this corrupted world, we need to take it down," I say. She hesitantly nods in understanding before reaching out to hug me. I hug her back. I feel tears start to form in my eyes. I had not felt love from my mother like this after I had figured out the secrets. I'm fairly sure she distanced herself from me, so she wouldn't be too attached and heartbroken from my inevitable shipment.

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