Chapter 1

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3rd person POV:


A man in a heavy cloak tromped through the winter storm. He struggled to keep his bucket hat on while holding a little white bundle, hoping the poor sole inside hadn't died yet. His wings blew away from the wind, making it hard to keep straight. He made his way through the thick snow, trying to find any kind of shelter. 

Eventually, he stumbled upon a log cabin. Without thinking, he rushed to it, stumbling as he went. The shaking of his treading made the bundle wail into the storm. The man sighed as the bundle cried. He reached for the handle and realized it was unlocked. Perfect. 

He swung the door open and closed it suddenly behind him. The house was nice and bright due to some candles being lit. A fireplace kept the place warm. It looked cozy enough to settle until the storm passed.

The man set the bundle near the fire and began to strip off his cloak and heavy winter gear. He stretched himself out and sat near the fire, trying to warm himself. I small hand had made its way out of the bundle as the wailing quite, but not stopped. The man let the child grab his finger and play with it. 

After a while, the crying ceased and the little hand rested upon the bumble of white fabric. The man sighed in relief as he picked up the bundle and headed to the couch with it. It squirmed a bit, but not much. The man smiled as he peeked through a small hole in the bundle at the child below. 

Eventually, he fell asleep on the couch, still cradling the baby. 

A door opened and a man in a mask walked in and just stared at the two. Sure, he had no intent on hurting them, but they had found their way to his cabin. The man just looked down at the bundle and saw the baby inside. The storm pounded outside so he made the connection and brushed them off. 

Hours later, the man with wings woke up and looked outside, seeing that the storm had slowed, but not ceased. He set the child beside him as he got up, cautiously. He gathered his things by the fire and noticed they were dry. 

"Ahem..." the man in the mask called from the table. The other jumped a bit and looked over to the other who sat and read the newspaper.

"O-oh!" the man with wings replied as he collected his belongings. "I didn't know this was yours, Dream."

"And I didn't know you had a child. Would you like some coffee?"

"I'm more of a tea kind of guy. Ah, I understand. What type?"

"Earl grey please," Phil requested as Dream, the man in the mask, got up from his seat and walked into the small kitchen. The man with wings folded his belongings and set them by the couch.

"I didn't know you'd be out there, Phil. With a child at that..." Dream noted as he began to boil some water. "Why were you out, anyway?"

"I'm a nomad, what do you want from me? But anyway, how are things going? I haven't seen you in a while, have I?"

"Well... I've been alright. Not a lot of humans believe that I'm an angel. Sometimes, I don't either. I just want to be a night, nothing special. I didn't ask to be a leader...I just... I just want to impress the prince..." Phil chuckled at the other's statement. "D-don't laugh at me! You know just as well as I do that you were crazy for your wife too."

"She was crazy for me."


The tea kettle whistled and Dream poured it into a mug. He set a tea bag in it and let it rest as the other moved to the dining table. The baby cooed on a small armchair near the fire, absorbing the warms that emanated from it. 

"How is it going? With the child I mean," Dream asked as he took a seat.

Phil sighed and explained, "Rough, honestly. I've realized that the poor boy won't grow up with a mother. I guess with being a nomad he won't have a set home either. She told me he was supposed to have a birthday every 6 months but I don't even know what that means!"

"It means he ages a year every 6 months."

"Thanks, that makes much more sense... but I just want him to know I want what's best. Sure, he might need a home but that's something I cant do. I don't want to settle down."

"Well, raise him like that then. Remember, our souls are so much older than he is. Our bodies don't always match our bodies, but you need to keep that in mind. Sure, you may be a nice, middle-aged man but inside you are as old as time itself. You must have patience."

"Good advice from a man who's lovesick." Dream's face lit up as he scoffed. Phil laughed at the other, making sure to make it louder so he could rub it in.

"I bet you tell your wife that," Dream muttered as he got up to retrieve the tea. 

"Oh, I do," Phil said with a smile. Dream handed him the tea and he gave Dream great thanks for his hospitality. 

"Stay for the night, the storm won't let up till then."

"Are you sure?"

"As long as you tell me your son's name, I've been just dying to know."

"Tommy," Phil replied. 

"What a cute name... sometimes I wish I was named something a little bit more... normal..."

"Your name would suit you in battle."

"I guess it would..."


Another short chapter... I must not have much to say. 

[Word count: 964]


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