Chapter 9

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3rd person POV:


The boy was tugged into the office and told to sit and stay quiet for a minute while the other thought of his words carefully. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" the enderman asked as he stared out the window behind his desk. Tubbo tried to think but his mind was too foggy to remember.

"Tell you what?" Tubbo replied. 

"That you know Mother Yudayphd?" (Yu-dd-ae-f-d) (beloved in enderman)

"I do?!" I fog cleared in his mind of an enderman girl who danced and played with him but that seemed so long ago and his memory was wearing thing. 

Ranboo began to dig through his desk and pulled out two glasses containing two different liquids. No words were spoken for a bit while Ranboo pulled stuff out and flipped through a book, landing on a certain page Tubbo had seen before.

"What are you--" a loud 'fwoom!' shook the earth, interrupting Tubbo, "--planning."

"If my theory is correct..." the enderman began, "I should be able to... I know what I'm going to do to change the kingdom."

"What is it?"

"I'm going to release the gods."

"Wait! T-that's the whole reason I'm here," Tubbo replied as he shot up.

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean that I... came through with another man or I was supposed to... and he wanted your help in summoning a god. So can we just wait for him?"


They each continued with their daily duties until a man was brought into the office. Tubbo stared wide-eyed at the man and whispered to Ranboo. 

"What is it?" Ranboo asked as he took a seat.

"This is the intruder that has come through an unguarded portal," one the of two guards said as they presented the man.

The man had a scar that ran down the left side of his face. It looked like one of his eyes was missing along with a chunk of his lips and teeth missing. A beanie covered his messy, black hair while a white collared shirt covered smaller scars and tattoos. 

"Leave him here. I'll call for you in trouble arises," Ranboo replied. They dropped the man, leaving him with a pitiful look. He gasped and panted, coughing and sputtering. The door slammed behind them. "You are..."

"Quackit--" He coughed before continuing. "Quackity. Uhm... excuse my cough."

"You are excused. I have heard from Tubbo that you are a friend of his." Quackity stood up and wheezed a bit. 

"I guess you could-- um... sure, yeah."

"--And that you wanted to summon a god."

"Yes! That... I have all of the supplies needed but I just need... a baby."

"Oh, we have plenty--"

"It needs to be special. Like a baby of an angel..."

"I know someone with someone with something like that."

"As do I," Quackity replied, "I hope that I sent a message to one of your kin that something might be stirring."

"Good. I'll strike a deal with you. I will supply you with anything you may need but you must make all of the preparations to do so." Ranboo held out his hand and they both shook. "I'll have a maid issue you a room. Please wait outside."

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