Chapter 7

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3rd person POV:


It had been a week since Tubbo arrived. He had settled in nicely, or at least to Ranboo's standards he had.

Ranboo had to beg Tubbo to get a haircut since it always looked so messy. No matter how the maids try to do it, it always ended up the same. The smaller boy finally agreed on the condition that they would go to the market, outside. The maids were all for it. They chopped and washed so thoroughly that the hair looked a bit lighter.

Tubbo never had a thing for cleaning. He would do the bare minimum to keep his cleanliness in check. Ranboo on the other hand took great lengths to make himself clean. As he was one of the only endermen that could touch water, he often bathed in it for at least 30 minutes before getting uncomfortable and getting out.

While they were cutting away, Ranboo noticed little horns atop the other's head. They were smaller than his by a long shot and a different color. Ranboo's were black and while Tubbo's was 100% brown and they curled back.

By the end of the cutting, the other had thrashed and struggled so much that some pieces were uneven which looked even weirder than before. Ranboo would remark and Tubbo would bark back, but Ranboo tried to keep him, composer, as much as possible.

"Are you excited to go to the market?" Tubbo asked as he messed with Ranboo's hair.

"Well... a bit? I guess I'm just nervous... like-- what if someone finds out?" Ranboo asked. He always thought of the worst-case scenario, it was like an auto-fill.

"Listen, big man. I'm sure we could have some guards close by just in case."

"You do understand this probably isn't permitted... right?"

"But doesn't that make it fun?"

"I guess so... but what do I wear?"

"What do endermen usually wear?"

"Fancy clothing... to show their wealth."

"Wear something like that, then."

"You're going to get ready too, you know."

Tubbo howled as he was tugged away by the maids, leaving Ranboo to himself to get ready. A long time ago. his "mother" had gifted him a black and purple three-piece suit with a black ruffle tie. She often commented that it was "peasant wear" but he never listened. He enjoyed wearing it everywhere but once she passed, he never picked it up again.

Under his bed sat a box, hidden from the world. In it, held the suit, some old photos, and some old trinkets people had given him. He took out the old suit and put it on. It was slightly tighter than he had remembered it being. He took his crown off and set it on his dresser. It shone in the light.

By the moon's position, he could tell it was about 6 pm. The moon worked like the sun, but here, there was no sun and the moon was a bit brighter than in the Overworld. At night, the only light would be the stars which lit up to roads like a half-moon. Streetlamps stayed on all day and night, just in case.

Motor vehicles were used, but not often. Everything was tightly packed together making walking someplace a breeze. Of course, that didn't mean it was close enough to start some form of a pandemic but just close enough to move someplace. Instead of walking, most would teleport to where they wanted to go.

Ranboo walked into Tubbo's room to see him yowling about putting on nice clothes. Ranboo always wanted him to put on nice clothes and when he was woken up a little bit earlier than usual, be in a bad mood.

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