Chapter 12

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3rd person POV:


"Phil... my legs hurt..." the piglin complained as Phil wiped away some dirt from where he sat.

"I knew it wasn't good to do that," Phil replied as he shifted in his seat. "What did they say about it?"

"They said they were broken... why would Wilbur betray us like that?"

"I wouldn't know."

Footsteps echoed down the hallway and a figure was seen in front of the bars. A jumble of words was spoken that Phil could make out but slightly. "Sorry," they repeated sometimes throwing in, "I didn't mean to," or an "It hurts."

"What are they saying..?" Dream asked and hands jumbled with the lock. 

"He's apologizing... That's..." Phil replied as the door swung open. The king walked through but he looked upset and a bit different. Phil realized that his eyes were not red and green like usual, but a deep purple, like an enderman. 

"Don't mean..." the endman sobbed in a different language. Tears burned his cheeks as he stood in the door, not moving.

"He feels bad."

"I'll help, I promise..."

Phil used broken enderman to say, "We're not mad, mate." The enderman tilted his head and let out a sob. "Why are you doing this."

"King... must be good... best..."

Without another word the enderman walked out, leaving the door open behind him. Techno tried to get up but both Phil and Dream stopped him. While Dream rangled Techno, Phil closed the door.

"Techno, I'm just as upset, maybe more, than you are."

"There is no way--" Techno tried.

"Techno, my child was taken! How upset do you think I feel?!" The room was silent. There were no words but mere sounds of shuffling clothing or labored breathing.


"Shall we begin?" Quackity asked as the king returned into the glass dome. The burns from his tears were still visible on his cheeks.

"No. I'd like to go back on that deal," Ranboo replied.

"You can't. It wasn't in the deal." Ranboo sighed, considering his options.

"I'll stay in then. But will the child be harmed?"

"No. All of your age will go from you into the child."

"Will Tubbo be harmed?"

"No. Of course not."

"Bring the prisoners out for me..." Ranboo commanded as the man with the scar ran off to alert a guard.

"Are you alright, big man?"Tubbo asked as he set the baby down on a nearby table.

"I-- I just feel bad... I hurt someone and... took a child... it's just a lot. I didn't know doing this would be so terrible..."

"Think about it though, you would be doing so much good. I might get to see..."

Tubbo shook the thought from his mind. There was no way he was ever going to see him again. It's not like he didn't want to see him, it was just that there was no way he could face him. 

"Nevermind. Just don't worry about it," Tubbo replied as Wilbur made a snow angel in the dirt. 

"I'm getting too attached to you guys and it's...messing with me," Ranboo admitted as he searched through a book that laid open on a table nearby. Tubbo watched him intently and then looked down at the baby who started to cry. Its screeches filled the room, echoing off of every wall.

"What do we do?!" Tubbo screeched as he picked up the baby and started to rock it.

"Maybe its hungry?!" the other replied as he scurried around. Neither of them noticed the guards that were escorting the prisoners.

"Oi!" Phil shouted, stopping them, "Just calm him down. He's tired."

Tubbo rocked him, listening to the other's instructions and before long, the boy was alseep. Ranboo sighed in relief as Quackity scurried in. 

"Let's get this party started!" Quackity screeched as he placed the two bottles that were once in Ranboo's desk onto the ground. They got started on preparing everything that was necessary. Ranboo promised the avian that his child would be safe and alive. 

Quackity drew a circle in the middle of the dirt, while Tubbo sat down inside. Ranboo read all of the chanting in the book even though it was in a language he didn't quite understand. 

Sure, he was learning the anchent tongue, but he didn't know all of it. There was somethings he couldn't make out. He tried his best to memorize it before stepping into the circle. 

Tubbo was given the baby while Wilbur stood, watching the prisoners. The endman gulped and began to recite his chants. He closed his eyes and tried to be in the moment. It felt like nothing was happening for a second, like he was just shouting into the air, waiting for someone to shout back at him. But after a bit, it felt like he was weightless. 

It felt like all of his insicurities and troubles melted away. He didn't want to open his eyes, he didn't want to end this moment. Around 30 seconds more and he stopped focusing on the world, it had all faded out. It was like dying, or why dying would feel like. Just letting out everything was so relaxing. Was this what death felt like? 

Although his body may have been on the ground, it still didn't feel like it. Why was he so happy about this? Was it because there was no more stress or anything to hold onto? Did he even want to go back?

It was all so tiring, trying to be someone he wasn't. And now it was time to let go. To be free once more.


"Ran, c'mon, we gotta go," the woman shouted after the man who was staggering to keep up. He sputtered as he staggered towards her.

His body felt so heavy, like it was being ripped apart again. He knew what was happening and he knew he couldn't stop it. It was pleasant while it lasted.

"Niki... hold on..." Ran caught up to get and almost fell into her arms.

"Ran? Ran, are you alright?" she asked, frantically as he chuckled, tiredly.

"No, no, no... Niki, this... is the end, unfortunately."

"Ran, you're sputtering nonsense..."

In the distance, above the great palace, a rift in the sky opened in an X formation. The insides were like the sky but so much brighter and colorful.

"That... listen, Niki... I'm losing momentum," Ran replied as he pointed weakly. "'A god never truly dies,' yeah, whatever..." His body was becoming so much lighter, as if he was fading into nothing. 

"Ran? Please don't go, stop!" she cried, gripping him tightly, but to no avail. He looked to far gone with that little smile. It was like he wanted to go. 

She always hated that smile. From the day they met, he had a smile like no other. He would always smirk when he knew something she didn't, and that's why she always wanted to know what he knew.

She wanted to know what he knew so badly she would do anything but there was nothing he could already do, he was gone. 


boo hoo you're doin' 2-10 and you kids are going into social services.


[word count: 1155]


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