Chapter 4

45 3 1

3rd person POV:


"Sorry to cut this so short, Phil," the man with the mask said as he put on a green cloak. The storm had ceased by now, only snow was left in its trace.

"Don't feel bad, mate. I needed to find a town to get food anyway," Phil said as he swung a bag over his shoulder. The baby sat on the table, nibbling on his fingers with Bobby Fischer's intensity, every so often looking up at the man in the mask. 

"You're welcome to stay as long as you need. Send for me if you must." 

"Thank you, Dream," Phil answered as the man in the mask stepped into the winter cold. Phil was a bit slower to follow. He had to swaddle the baby to keep him warm, take some snacks from a cabinet, and put on his hat.

Dream walked through the forest, looking through breaks in the trees where the road should be. The snow was just thick enough to be even on the path, making it near impossible to tell where you were going. He had walked this road hundreds of times and knew it by heart.

As he walked, a bird flew from the sky with a letter. It landed on his shoulder and dropped the letter in the snow. Dream picked it up and a map fell out as he opened it and read the contents,
"Dearest Dream,
There has been a portal reported on the south side of the kingdom. I understand that you may be the closest so please do make sure to tell Realm Control because of the Portal Untited's decree. I understand that King Ranboo holds this to the utmost importance. 
-Prince George

He smiled at the gesture and picked up the map. It showed where the portal was and how close it was to a nearby village. It wasn't too far of a walk, maybe a day, day in half if he walked fast. 

So he began his trek and made his way to the nearest town with a Realm Control station near the outskirts of town. Dream showed two guards the letters and they followed him to where the alleged portal was held. The bird still sat patiently on his shoulders. 

Once they had stopped for a meal from a traveler's hut, Dream wrote a letter and let the bird carry it away. It read,
"I have found two guards to accompany me to this portal, I hope to return to the palace in at least a week."
The bird flew sideways and almost hit a tree but it regained its control and flew off into the sky.

It felt like they had walked for days until the three finally made it to the entrance to the stronghold. Dream gave them orders and sent them off to find the portal room. If any one of them found it, they were to shout and block off the area. 

He walked through the cold, damp halls all alone, searching for any signs of the portal. Laughter came from the distance followed by a shout. He ran towards the noise that seemed to infinitely echo off of every wall. Eventually, he made it to the room where he could see a man and a boy, standing over an open portal. 

The man had a hand on the boy's shoulder and was whispering something to him. The man caught a glimpse of Dream running towards him so he shouted something and pushed the boy in. The man flipped around and grabbed a weapon that had been concealed under a loose suit jacket. 

"Freeze! This is Portal Control! Drop your weapon!" Dream shouted as he pulled a pocket knife from his bag. The man put his weapon away and smirked but he pulled something else out and threw it down the steps, making it shatter. An odd sour yet sweet smell filled Dream's not as he aimed the knife at the man.

"Oh give it up, angel..." the man said as the blood drained from Dream's face. "As much as I don't believe in you, I know you're real. I can already tell you're one of the only ones with sense, plus, a certain someone wants him to be their successor." He stepped towards the man in the mask and but Dream went for a stab but it only landed in the arm, it's not like he was trying to kill him anyway. 

Other footsteps rushed towards the scene and the man looked around and ran the other way. Dream wanted to run at the man, but his feet felt so heavy that they wouldn't move, whatever was in the bottle must've been causing it. The guards rushed up to him and asked him what the problem was. He had snapped out of it now, but it was too late.

"Secure the whole stronghold. No one comes in or out, understood?" Dream ordered as the men nodded and got to work. "I'll split the rations and I'll go through tomorrow if you don't mind.."

"Do you have a Realm Passport?" one of the guards asked as he rummaged through his supplies, flashing them a royalty exempt. "Understood."

Dream used most of his supplies to his advantage, taking off his cloak and using it as a blanket. He reheated small pieces of meat over the lava pools that lay by the portal. This kind of thing happened often, George would send him on different missions like this and he would only have an hour or two to prep.

Since the portals were so close to each other, this one would need to be shut down. The other portal had constant Realm Control while this one hadn't even been used since the decree first began. They always said it was because the End was beginning to become unstable, but that wasn't even half true if you looked it up in any ender book, you would see otherwise.

Endermans were all of one religion and got upset when anyone was to disrespect them or their customs. There were beginning to be fights that would break out because people didn't know how to treat enderman. So, the 15th queen proposed Portal's United. The vote was passed on it so she began to implement passports that would teach the user how to talk to endermen which decreased the number of fights. It used to be so much more open than how it was now. At that time, you could take a class and go whenever you pleased but in recent years, barely any have been sold to anyone who wasn't a kingdom official. 

Once they were done tightening security on the stronghold, they all sat for a meal of rations. They told him that they would shut the portal down once he had gone through, which he didn't mind, it was in his plan anyway.


Dream woke up the next morning at god knows what time but all he knew was that he was the first one up. There was a slight draft in the cave, blowing cool air against his cheeks. Dream packed up all of his things and walked through the portal, continuing his trek.

Although he felt bad for leaving the others without telling them, it wouldn't matter later.


i literally hate this chapter. i kept imaging future chapters and couldn't focus on the now.

[word count: 1225]


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