Chapter 8

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cw// gore,


3rd person POV:


The man flew over the trees, holding the baby in his arms tightly. The air was cold and the man hoped the child wouldn't freeze. The ground was covered in a blanket of white any trace of an animal wouldn't be seen. 

He swooped into a village and went inside to get some food for the road. The woman looked him up and down before he ordered. They exchanged food and money and he left. He never liked to stay in one place for too long, especially since people wanted his wings. 

His wings were the second most cherished thing he had, next to his son and walking stick. Since he was the last avian most hunters would love a chance to hang him on their wall. Although his wings were plain, it didn't matter to them. 

Avians had been wiped out for at least a century. It was mostly from hunting and wars that trashed everything. When he was a boy, he was left and the goddess took quite the liking to him and gave him immortality with no drawbacks and now he was an angel for god's sake. Sometimes he thought of it as a curse. Never being able to die, missing his loved ones, forgetting their faces... but he hoped his son would never live to feel that way.

When the goddess gifted him a child at first he thought that it was also an avian, he was proven wrong. Then the baby had taken a look at a human, the wings shrunk and disappeared, making him a human so Phil decided to say he was a shapeshifter.

His walking stick, which he barely used to walk, was made when an old friend had sliced a bamboo cane in half. They took the sliced bit and made a sword for him which he carried around ever since their passing. The cane was made of one of the strongest materials, end ore. 

End ore was a rare substance that formed in the End. Since the decree, nothing had passed through, especially since the kings of both worlds weren't on good terms. In past years the kings and queens had lived in perfect harmony but since the war, that had changed. 

While they flew, the man decided he wanted to take his son for the nether, hoping to make the boy warm again. Since the nether was so warm, even in the Overworld's winter, it would've been a nice vacation spot if it wasn't in total anarchy. 

They made it to a nearby portal that had guard stations, but no guards. It's not like he expected guards anyway. He waltzed in, finding himself in a forest. He looked around for a bit and was met by a large beast that didn't look too happy. Phil set the baby aside and began his attack. 

He pulled out the sword some it bamboo sheath and readied himself for the beast's attack. The beast attacked first. rearing its tusks, trying to toss him into the air. But he was much quicker than it, slicing its tusks and eyes when it charged. It bled out and collapsed. Phil picked up the pieces of the tusks and put them in his pocket for later, as a warning. 

When he looked back to Tommy, he was gone blanket and all. His face went pale as he frantically looked around. 

"Toms!?" Phil called into the tangled forest. A loud, childish giggle erupted not too far from him. He sheathed his sword and ran to where he heard it. "Tommy!" he called. 

Two men stood holding a white blanket. One looked like a human who was definitely out of place while the other looked like a normal piglin. Phil recognized it and pulled his swords two their throats.

"Put him down," the man with wings ordered as a little hand grabbed one of the man's fingers. 

"Why?" the human replied, "He doesn't look like you in the slightest."

"Doesn't mean he's not mine."

"He's a piglin," the other noted as he looked into the bundle.

"What? He's a human!" the other argued as he pushed the piglin out of the way. The two continued with the, 'is not' and 'is too' for a while before Phil snatched the baby and held him close. The others stared at him blankly with the sharp end of the blade pointing at the human. 

"He's a shapeshifter," Phil informed as the piglin put a hand on the sword handle, "I have no intent on hurting you."

"I'm not keen on orphans but I'll happily kill you for it," the piglin said as he pulled out his sword and pointed it to Phil's throat. The human pushed the sword down and swatted the piglin in the back of the head. 

"Excuse him. We're not keen on people taking our things," the human said. 

"He's not yours." Both men put their swords away as the baby cooed. 

The human was looking him over for a bit before realizing, "You're an angel, huh."

There was a pause before the other two replied, "...yes."

"Wil, you should know this," the piglin noted.

"Techno, he's like us," the human replied.

"I could tell."

"Now that I think of it," the man with the baby replied, "I do feel like we've fought once. Not recently, but... I think you get it."

The piglin looked like he took a little bit of time to process the words before replying, "You're... Phil, right?"


"I didn't get to say this and from what I remember... you were a pretty good fighter."

"Unfortunately, I can't spar at the moment due to this little one but I'm sure that I'll be able to soon. I can't believe I didn't recognize you two... that's my bad."

"Don't worry about it," the human named Wilbur answered, "Would you like to come back to the 'palace'? I'm sure I can find you some tea."

"That would be lovely."


I had no motivation. Sorry lmao.

I tried eating hand sanitizer and... it weird. 

[word count: 1007]


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