"His Smile"

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I loved seeing him. I could still see his charming face under a light so dim.

I'd admire him from afar, as he plays his guitar.

There were times he caught me staring, he just smiled and gave me a gaze so caring.

Seeing his smile is what makes me fall even deeper, because it's obvious to see he's a keeper.

So why.. At this moment, why are we all kneeling before him? He became so grim..

He spotted me once again. He smiled, but this time it was hellish.

I looked at him blankly, I felt nothing but anguish.

Oh how I wish I never met you, because if I didn't, then maybe I wouldn't feel so blue.

Fun fact, the guy they're referring to is the guy from one of my poems "The Villain You Made". Not really my best, but had fun writing this one aaa.

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