"Someone I Needed"

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I needed you
the moment I existed.

The very first person I see,
once I came into this world.
you knew the moment you saw me
that I was the child you wanted.

But I wasn't the child you dreamt of
I'm someone who made you sob,
and yet someone you still love.

I'm someone you found troubling,
and yet you cry everytime
I start belittling myself.

You wished I wasn't your child,
that i made you unhappy
and yet you still smiled,
everytime I say something funny,
your laugh as sweet as honey.

Your love made me melt,
but your anger that I felt
was heavier than your
reassurance alone,
that sometimes I feel like
i'd get disown

but then you laugh,
and then I ease
but then you're furious,
and then i'm hideous.

do you love me or do you not?
do I feel like I won the lottery,
or do I feel like I got shot?

- mommy issues


A/N: third & possibly last part of my poem series

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