"Unseen Reflection"

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Am I so unworthy of love's sweet embrace,
That no one dares to take the risk, to chase?
Do I move too swiftly, too quick to behold,
Leaving no chance for hearts to unfold?

Am I truly difficult to love, it seems,
That even a glance eludes like distant dreams?
No dance, no opportunity to prove,
My worthiness, my essence they refuse.

Do they deem me worthless, a person so low,
That even she doesn't want me to show?
Am I but futile debris in her sight,
Cast aside, ignored, like the darkest night?

Or is it because I'm not a "real" boy,
Yearning for acceptance, longing to enjoy?
But I can embody all those traits they seek,
If only they'd look beyond, take a peek.

For within me lies the boy they can't see,
Hidden in the stained glass, yet wanting to be free.
If only they'd open their hearts to view,
The depths of my being, the love that's true.

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