"Someone I Loved"

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I remember the very first time
I fell for you

You were laughing like a fool,
not at me, but with me.
You made me feel alive,
like I could survive
in this filthy world.

You liked me for who I am,
and when I realised I loved you
I was afraid you'd leave me too.

But just as I guessed,
It turned out true.
I tried to start anew
but I just could not
forget about you.

your smile that's so contagious,
your eyes that I fell inlove with,
your back that was always turned to me.
I love you, but I'm so different from her

someone who turned you
into an actor,
someone who turned you
into her admirer.

What was so different from me to her?
was it the way she'd answer
with a charming smile?
was it the way she'd cover her mouth
whenever she laughs?

or was it the way she makes you feel?
The way you'd try to ignore her gaze,
but secretly you'd think about her for more than days?

I knew them very well,
because I felt them all,
for you.

You deserved better,
but I have no say in this,
for I am nothing to you.

But I can't help but rage,
whenever she makes fun of you
for falling for her.

- how unfair

A/N: this is the first part of a poetry series I'm writing, the series is called 'Someone I Know' and I'll be posting them as I go, in this poetry collection :)) but this first part is for sure not my best, but I assure you, the other parts would probably be a lot better ^^.

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