"Beyond My Reach"

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I try and try with all my might,
To be the best in every fight,
But despite my effort and my grit,
I always feel like I'm unfit.

I see those who are more skilled,
Their accomplishments make my heart chilled,
And though I strive with all my heart,
I know I'll never match their art.

I often feel like I fall short,
Like I'm the smallest of a cohort,
And even when I do my best,
I can't escape this nagging pest.

The voice inside that tells me no,
That I'm not good enough to grow,
It whispers softly in my ear,
And fills my heart with endless fear.

But even though it seems so tough,
I know I'm strong, I'm good enough,
And though I stumble, though I fall,
I know I'll always stand up tall.

For in the end, it's not just skill,
But heart and passion that fulfill,
And though I may not be the best,
I'll keep on striving with each test.

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