"Love's Delicate Dance"

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She's the prettiest girl
I've ever landed my eyes on.
Her eyes as dark as the woods,
and her scent as warm as the fire
She was everything I've ever desired,
Even the littlest things
like how she'd sings,
while cleaning
and how she'd clings,
whenever it's time for me to go

That must have been
every other love story's beginnings,
how she'd start owning all of my belongings, just like how I do with hers.
Everyday in the mornings,
there'd be "sweetheart" & "darlings"
and at that time,
everything was a blessing.

There were ups and downs, of course,
but it never led to anything like divorce
There'd be harsh words
and hurtful phrases,
but it only lasted a second
until we apologized and felt remorse

Our relationship had its rough patches, like a path strewn with
rocks and pebbles
But whenever we fight,
just seeing her smile and dimples,
was enough to dwindle
my temporary anger

I remember the first time I saw her,
and I was struck dumb
Her eyes, her laugh, her easy grace
But now, I see the shadows in her smile, the cracks in her facade
And I was not sure if the love we had can even be saved

We used to talk for hours, about everything and nothing
I'd watch her move through the day,
and feel so alive
But lately, the words have dried up, and it feels like we're just going through the motions
And I can't help but wonder if it's time to say goodbye.

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