Where Were You?

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Tristen walked into the kitchen and turned on the sink. He let the sink fill up and poured in some dish liquid. Once the sink was a little more than halfway filled he stopped the water and pushed half of the mountain of dishes into it and started scrubbing.

"Bro, I can't believe I have to do these dishes while Jalai is out with friends. This is stupid." Tristen grumbled to himself as he dried dishes and put them in the cabinets.

Tristen froze. He sensed another presence in the room.

He continued to wash and dry the dishes. He grabbed a dirty knife and cleaned it. Once he dried it off, he threw it as hard as he could behind him. The knife hit the wall with a hard thunk! Tristen turned around, grabbing another knife.

"Get out. Now." He growled.


He threw the knife, missing on purpose. "That's your warning ."

"Tristen, calm down-" The person said.

"Ethan, I said get out," Tristen screamed.

"What the hell do you think you're doing back here? After everything you did? Not only did you come back, but you also decided to come into MY house?!"

Ethan averted his eyes. "I understand but I need to warn you!"

"You asked for it!" Tristen, gripping a pot.

He ran towards Ethan and swung. Ethan evaded the pot and ran for the sink. He grabbed a large pan and used it as a shield. Tristen slammed the pot into the pan, leaving a large dent. Tristen jumped off of the floor kicking Ethan in the face. Ethan fell to the ground. Ethan's hands were engulfed by flames as he swung, punching Tristen across his face. Tristen hit the back of the couch.

"Ungh! Why are you even here?!" He yelled as he tried to stand.

"If you'd stop trying to fight me and just listen! You're being so damn stubborn! As per usual."

"What did you come here for? To finish the job? To kill me again?"

"No, you IDIOT! Fine, if you don't want to stop this and let me talk, I'll just have to immobilize you."

Ethan grabbed a pot and started swinging it. Tristen ran to the dining room grabbing a chair to block the pot. The pot broke the chair and Tristen threw it in Ethan's face. Tristen grabbed another chair and broke both its front legs. He used them as daggers as they did somewhat resemble them. Tristen swept Ethan under his feet and grabbed him by the shirt.

"Let's not destroy my home, ok?" Tristen asked with a fake smile.

He threw Ethan out of the window. Tristen ran after him and kicked him hard into the air."Ha! Can't fly anymore?!" Tristen asked.

Eathen hit the ground with a hard thud.

"Wait. Seriously, wait." Ethan said groaning in pain on the ground, from both his old and new injuries.

"Shut up!" Tristen yelled as he lifted his foot, ready to stomp.

"What. The. HELL?!" Jalai screamed. 

Sydney, who was next to her, covered her mouth.

"E-Ethan?" Sydney stuttered as she fell to her knees.

Ethan staggered as he stood up. "Hey, ba-"

Sydney ran to Ethan and squeezed him in her arms. "You're back."

"Yeah. I am."

"How'd you get all those cuts and bruises? Tristen beat you up that bad?" Jalai said, smirking.

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