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I was changing in the girls room with Lonnie.

We caught up with everything and how Seaquest reappeared in earth oceans.

"No way. I don't believe you." I said. "Why would I lie? Ask the others, ask Tim for Christs sake. He cannot lie." She said.

Right after, we met up with the other and boarded the ship.

"Welcome back, Y/n." Said Jonathan. "Thanks Commander." I said with a smile. Other members who were also lost in the battle came along too. So did Michael.

"Hey, rookie." I said to him. "I've been in the UEO longer than you have." He said. "Not in Seaquest, you ain't." I said, making him roll his eyes at me as I laugh.

"Alright everyone, get to your original stations. Michael, you'll be working at the bridge with us and Y/n, you know where you are." Said Jonathan. I nodded.

"Good, now let's get ready to get back into the ocean again." He said and everyone cheered. "Good luck, new kid." I said to Michael.

"Yeah, yeah..." He said. I gave him a kiss and went to the lab.

Admiring how it looks, almost the same as it was last time.

I sat down for a minute, sort of remembering all the memories I had with everyone in here. Old times...

The door opened and I look to see Lucas.

"Hi. I thought you should be at the bridge." I asked him.

"Oh, I know that. I think you should be too. C'mon, were going back into all 7 seas again! Earth seas this time. You don't wanna miss it." He said.

I smiled, "We're you really stuck on a different planet for 10 years?" "Yep. The thing is, I wasn't in the ship. I was in the stinger with Dagwood and I got stuck there and I saw all the others die in the explosion." He said.

"Oh my god, how are you still alive?" I asked. "Well, we tried our best to stay alive. I almost gave up." He said.

"I'm glad you're okay. And what's all this?" I said, gesturing my hand to his new uniform.

"Oh, I'm an officer now. Officially and formally a part of seaQuest DSV." He said. "Wow, good for you."

"Now come on! You wouldn't want to miss the launch back into the seven seas." He said. I smiled and followed him back to the bridge. Everyone else was there to cherish our launch back into the deep ocean.

Right when we launched, everyone cheered.

"Alright everyone, first day back in the ocean. You may rest for a while. People at the bridge, I need you now." Said Commander.

"Well, I'll see you later then." Lucas said. "Sure, I'll be in my room." I replied.

Fell For the Good Guy: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now