<𝕋𝕣𝕚𝕡 𝕋𝕠 ℍ𝕖𝕝𝕝>

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Next day 

"Gather to the U.A field." Aizawa said. When they proceeded to the field, Class B was waiting for them. 

"Listen up, problem children." Said Aizawa who was surprisingly was out of his sleeping bag. 

"This is not a holiday. This trip is for you to analyze the villain's strengths and abilities, as well as their weaknesses in person. This trip will let you experience in person the villain's personality, etc. etc. As you know, the League of Villains will likely break their buddies out, because they are unbelievably weak at the present after the events of the Paranormal Liberation Front. By the time you manage to analyze their weaknesses, you'd probably be-" 

"frozen in fear, fatally injured, or dead." Vlad King finished. "And if a traitor is still among us if you try to break your friend out, " 

he cracked his knuckles menacingly. 

"Me and the other heroes and class 1B and 1A will throw where your fellow turncoat is." 

 Such a threat makes you seem petty, Kaminari thought. 

About a few minutes later, they unloaded on the bus. 

Nothing interesting happened, until-

"Oho, I heard that one of class 1A was the traitor." Neito mused.

Ashido's face darkened.

0Sero frowned.

Even the good-natured Kirishima narrowed his eyes.

Nobody spoke for a good 10 minutes. There was a pin-dropping silence.

"She was a good person who had bad things happen to her." Wow. Help from the unexpected dark horse.

 "She would never. Ever. Betray us willingly. She must've got blackmailed or somethin'. I don't know, go figure it yourself, bakas." 

"Well, that does not hide the fact tha-" Bakugo had his hands on his neck, so his words sounded like "tha-aeerrgghhhhhhh," 

"Bakugo!" Kirishima said. "Please refrain from strangling Monoma! It's not good for his health!" 

"tch." Bakugo dropped him.

 "So, uh, which villain do you think is the most powerful?" Kendo asked, trying to ease the tension in the bus. 

"The villain All Might fought in Kamino, the leader of the League of Villains." Kaminari answered.

 "I really think it's the giant brown dude we fought in the Paranormal Liberation Army war." the mushroom girl exclaimed. 

"Mmmm...Is it Overhaul?" asked Tsuyu. "He was one of the most powerful people out there. I mean, look what happened to Nighteye, Lemillion and Midoriya." 

And then Yaoyoruzu launched into an explanation of who was actually the most powerful villain, boring everything to sleep. (even the plants on the bus withered)

 Thankfully, Ashido suggested to play the Laughing Game. 

Bakugo was incredible! He could go, like, the funniest jokes and not laugh.

They were already at the 27th round when he finally laughed. Apparently Kirishima showed him a really good One Punch Man meme. "BWA HA! HA HAH H-*choke* *choke* " Bakugo had just taken a big sip of milk, so he sprayed the person in front with that stuff. Unfortunately, that someone was Kaminari.

Well, that was enough tp make everyone laugh. Even though Kaminari didn't feel like it, he forced a laugh, but inside he was thinking "HOW LONG TO I HAVE TO KEEP THIS THING GOIN'?!" He thought this was actually torture from Hell. Has the devil decided to punish Kaminari with eternal damnation from the pit? 

After a while, Kaminari felt drowsy and sleepy. 

Oh no you don't , his mind said. 

Don't you sleep on the job, n-zzzzzzzzzzz... 


Jirou felt something thump on her shoulder. 

"My, my," Ashido put her hand over her mouth, smiling "Seems like Kaminari likes sleeping on Jirou's shoulder. "

"Did you," Ashido's eyes formed an upside down smile. "by any chance did this before?" She snickered. 

Her cheeks as hot as the sun, she gritted her teeth. "No!" she almost shouted. "Stop making this awkward!" 

"Okay, then." She stood up and walked over. "I guess Kaminari could sleep on my shoulder, since you're so uncomfortable." 

Jirou glanced at the sleeping Kaminari.

 "I don't wanna wake him up, he can stay on my shoulder." Jirou said irritably while blushing furiously. 

Ashido whistled. 

Death must be 1000x better than this, Jirou thought.


 Kaminari woke.

 On...Jirou's shoulder? Their noses were inches apart. 

Kaminari hurriedly sprang apart, with Jirou doing the same. 

"Um...Sorry. About sleeping on your shoulder. Seriously. Sorry." Kaminari apologized. 

"S'Okay." Jirou avoided his eyes.

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